Posted on 02/12/2012 @ 6:04am by Commander Michael O'Conner
Edited on on 02/14/2012 @ 7:34am
Mission: Azimuth Horizon: Crusade - Chapter 3: Preparations
O'Conner looked to his doctor and asked. " Given the level of stellar development we saw, why do we assume that the anomaly is anything more than just a biuniverse wormhole?"
The Deltan looked askance at the First Officer of the Artemis.
"I don't follow you, Commander. I mean, what I'm saying is: shouldn't we care about what will happen in the other room if we blow up from our side a photon grenage on the doorstep?"
By Kheren on 02/14/2012 @ 7:34am
Sorry, just realized now that I forgot to answer that one. There you go :)