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Return to Blacks Point

Posted on 09/23/2014 @ 4:38am by Captain Neil Redding

"Loading holodeck program "Blacks Point retrieval"

Sector Celes, Crenan system, Moon: Crenan 1 mining facility. Date: 2208 august 3ed. Time: 1846 hours.

"Make sure you double check the data buffer this time, a diagnostic bed got scrambled last time, we were lucky he didn't notice it."

The voice of a disembodied man could be heard but not seen. But a vary familiar voice, that of the facility's computer, responded.

"All systems with-in predetermined parameters" It said.

"Never hurts to be sure, have we verified the retrieval pattern yet?" He asked.

"No Chroniton emissions have been detected as of this time." The computer replied.

The voice sighed, it had no sound of being processed through a living body. "Well, they did just say he might show up soon didn't they? it's only been a year since his last resurrection and he's a fairly capable officer. He might not show up at.."

An alert went off. "Detecting build up of chronitonic particles in target chamber."

"As well, there's that then.. sync retrieval program on my mark.. now."

The holodeck lit up to show the scene of a mid twenty second century mining facility, it was wore down and apparently poorly maintained.

"T minus 5 minutes until event." The computer chimed.

"I don't need a count down thank you." He sounded almost annoyed. "Activating recreation."

Three figures appeared in the room, a large man wearing an old style starfleet uniform and holding what appeared to be a broken metal bar in his right hand. His left arm hung limply and his uniform was torn and smudged with blood and filth.

He stood over another man that was laid unconscious on the floor, an alien that was not readily identifiable.

The third person, a female human also dressed in a starfleet uniform but in much better shape, slumped half over a control station, as if thrown at it.

All three stood frozen for the moment. "Activate program sync when ready."

The figures came to life or at least Redding did. He stood breathing hard over the crumpled body of khronva, watching the blood oozing out of the wound on his head


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Comments (1)

By Captain Neil Redding on 09/23/2014 @ 4:52am

Man, I am such an idiot. 3 hours I worked on this, and this is all thats left..