
Posted on 02/12/2012 @ 3:33pm

Mission: Azimuth Horizon: Crusade - Chapter 3: Preparations
Location: SB10

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Oseno sat down on the rebuttal from Fleet Captain Samji. All he could do was shake his head. To think that Starfleet Command and the Federation would even consider a quadrant wide evacuation was preposterous to him. Then his former commander, Captain Gould, spoke out with gusto and Jureth wanted to stand up and applaud his former CO for calling out the chain of command on such a ridiculous notion. At the same time, Oseno realized that his own statement along with Captain Gould's were both pretty close to gross insubordination even in the spirit of such an open discussion. It seemed to Jureth that the Federation was taking the moral high ground in a situation where they needed to be less idealistic and more realistic. Jureth sighed even as the heated discussion was going on...and wondered if the order was given to evacuate would his Starfleet training be able to override his sense of outrage.