Back From the Dead

Posted on 12/17/2015 @ 11:55pm

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Aboard USS Phoenix
Timeline: Aftermath

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((OOC: Nothing too exciting here, but I thought I might throw in a little perspective from the Nuntio characters.))


As the USS Phoenix made its return trip toward Starbase Lotus Mikaela Sirus stared out at the stars of Federation space through the observation window in one of the Avenger Class starhip's observation lounges. She was recovering slowly from her treatment at the hands of what she now knew were called Zetarians. The energy beings attacked the Nuntio with virtually no warning, and for her, a survivor of the last war with the Borg; it was like facing them all over again. An enemy they couldn't defeat, people dying all around her, and her captain and fellow officers under attack. The young half Orion woman had barely been reinstated to Starfleet and on her first assignment as Chief of Science she hadn't even been able to help keep her ship out of the anomaly that stranded them in the other universe.  It wasn't her fault she'd been told during their debriefing, there was nothing she could have done, but Mikaela still felt some responsibility. As she looked out at space she wondered if her mother had been notified that she was alive. The Nuntio had been bound for Earth when it was trapped, and her mother had been so excited that Mikaela would get to spend some time at home. 

"Credit for your thoughts Lieutenant." 

Mikaela jumped slightly, she was so absorbed in her that she hadn't even heard anyone else enter the lounge. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." 

Mikaela finally focused on whom was addressing her to see one of her subordinates, Ensign Kathryn Cellis. The human woman had been instrumental in trying to get the Nuntio's sensors back online after they'd become trapped in the anomaly. She and Mikaela had also worked together to try and figure out what was attacking the ship when the Zetarians were posessing their crew mates. Mikaela managed a smile more for Kathryn's benefit than anything else.

"Just thinking Ensign."

"I suspect everyone is Ma'am..and I told you to call me Kathryn."

"hmm? did you?"

"Several times," Kathryn replied "but I suppose we've all been through a lot, so I forgive you."

The smile Kathryn gave was genuine and warm and despite her overloaded brain Mikaela appreciated it.

"Yes, we have been through a lot, and lost a lot."

Kathryn nodded solemnly "Our ship, crew mates...but we made it, and if being in Starfleet has taught me anything surviving matters."

"I suppose it does, even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes." 

Kathryn nodded "I think I know what you mean, you're a survivor for a second fought the Borg." 

"I did." Mikaela replied with some pain in her voice "I lost a lot then too." 

"But you still made it," Kathryn insisted "You made it, and you can tell the stories and share the memories of the ones who didn't. They can still live, they can still matter through you. Just like now, the ones who didn't come back with us can live through us."

Kathryn's point was not lost on Mikalea. In truth she had never considered talking about the friends she'd lost during the Borg war, or about her father, who had died when the Breen attacked Earth during the Dominion War. The Orion turned to face her friend, 

"Thank you. I'd never really looked at it that way, but you're right. Are you always that optimistic?"

"I suppose I am," Kathryn said smiling "Now tell me, what are you going to do when we get back?"

It was Mikaela's turn to smile "Go home, once Starfleet says we're allowed. My mother is on Earth, and she was begging to see me before we got sucked into another universe." 

"I think I'm headed for Earth too, my parents haven't seen me since I graduated from the Academy. Oh, maybe we can go together!"

"I'd like that," Mikaela replied

"C'mon," Kathryn said "Why don't we go get something to eat,"

"Sounds good,"

The two officers, and friends, left the observation lounge together, and Mikaela felt, for the first time in a long time, that life might finally be returning to normal. 



Comments (1)

By Kheren on 12/18/2015 @ 2:47am

Nice addition. Thanks.