That Which Follows

Posted on 06/12/2014 @ 2:46am
Edited on on 07/20/2014 @ 8:16am

Mission: Hawks And Doves
Location: Conference room

Acting Captains log: First Officer Redding commanding: It's been 3 hours since the destruction of the Undine Dreadnought and the loss of Captain Kheren that was aboard her. We have made every effort to make sense of the situation but have vary little to go on, and with the lack of survivors from any of the Undine vessels as well as it's unresponsive government, if it can be called that, leaves us with no leads to follow.

The loss of one of Lotus Fleets top starship Captains would be tragic enough, but to not know the reason why is unacceptable. 

Following the decontamination of the Dusk's crew I assembled all involved officers into the main conference room to see if we can answer any of the questions that might not have been noticed separately.

But I don't hold high hopes for a satisfying answer.


Conference room, Horizon

Redding was going over their final moments with Captain Kheren, for the third time. ".. and just before you beamed out you saw the Undine known as Bootby attack the Captain with this 'three bladed knife', is this correct Lt. Somers?"

At the word 'this' a close approximation of the device came up on the display, taken from their descriptions of it.

"Yes Commander Redding, stabbed him in the chest, right about here." She placed a hand on her chest.

Then her eyes got a faraway look about them as she remembered what followed. "I'm not sure what happened next.. there was a lot of fluid from the damaged ship and it was like it was attracted to Captain Kheren. It started spreading over him and.." but she hesitated.

"And then you think you might have seen tentacles?" He repeated from her earlier description. "Coming out of the Captain."

Somers simply nodded her head, looking a little uneasy.

He nodded and addressed Snowfire "Have you finished your evaluation of the debris field of the Undine conflict?"

"Indeed I have and it seems you were correct Commander" She said with a firm resolve "The wreckage of the Undine Dreadnought cannot be accounted for in the remains of the battle, we must assume therefor it managed to escape during the confusion."

Osenos eyes brightened "Are you saying that you think the Captains still alive?"

Moore smiled "Well that shouldn't surprise anyone, the mans got a history of 'not dying' as good as anyone I've ever known!"

Solius smirked a little and sat back "So let me guess, now you want to enter fuidic space and rescue your captain? vary Federation of you."

"Redding to sick bay" was his only response.

*Yes commander..Redding* intoned the two doctors.

"What's the status on lieutenants Tyvya and Lyrya?"

*Both patients.. are stabilizing Commander. We see no reason to suspect.. further difficulties.* The voices were always hard to read, they always sounded.. anxious.

*But we should not attempt.. to awaken them, but rather allow.. them to awake normally*

"Agreed, let me know when either of them do or the situation changes" and he closed to line.

He then turned to face the group. "All Jr officers are dismissed, thank you"

There was a momentary pause as everyone decided if they were a Jr officer or not but Moore got the hint. "Oh.. you mean me? Ahh yes then, off I go.. by my self.." And rather awkwardly shuffled out of the room.

Leone felt a sudden urge to follow him but kept her seat.

"Actually.." Redding followed up "Make that everyone but Sisko, Snowfire and Oseno. I have some issues I'd like to cover"

With that Leone and Somers went back to their posts, but Solius remained in his chair. "I'd rather stay, if it's all the same to you Commander"

Redding seemed to consider it then nodded his head "As you like" then returned to his own seat.

He started in bluntly "The Captain is most certainly still alive, that his wives are still alive is almost proof of that."

"But there could be more to it than that, I think it's possible that the man you saw being stabbed wasn't' the real Kheren." He let the words sink in.

"Captain" Oseno started not really knowing where his train of thought was going to take him "prior to its destruction, Boothby's ship shielded the shuttle, and drew fire away from the Horizon. Why would he do that? Tactically it makes no sense, he should have retreated back to fluidic space." 

Oseno stopped for a moment as he had another thought "Computer, display known Undine ground weaponry from all recorded encounters." 

"No results found..." the feminine voice replied 

Oseno nodded slowly "Sir, the Undine have not been known to use any type of weaponry. All the records I've seen involve only hand to hand fighting or telepathic attacks. What if that dagger wasn't a dagger...."

Solius interjected, "And what if the Apples are grapes? Either way, Commanders, Mr Kheren isn't coming back any time soon. I suggest we look to the future and return to Starbase and repair." He picked up a PADD and skimmed through the damage report. "My teams are reporting heavy damage to the shield matrices. The Undine anti-proton weapons wreaked havoc on our systems, and we need to be prepared for what is to come."

He put the PADD down and closed his eyes. "Mr Oseno can vouch for what I heard on the Undine ship. This creature specifically stated that not all Undine were...pleased with our existence. I highly recommend we return to Starfleet and apprise them of the probable invasion of our space."

Redding almost scoffed "Not all of them are pleased with our existence is something of an under statement Mr. Solius, Starfleet's well aware of this fact." then pointed a finger at him "But I agree that, for the time being, Captain Kheren is beyond our help." 

He gripped the back of his chair as he stood. "The fact that the dreadnought shielded the Dusk doesn't prove a benevolent motive Oseno, if their goal was to make sure you reported backKherens death it would be necessary to do so. Do not think to understand the wisdom of your enemy, least you forget your own." He quoted from a Klingon proverb.

"With respect Captain," Jureth said evenly clearly perturbed with his new CO "The conduct of the Undine ship and the Boothby being does not fit with any recorded encounter. Not only do I believe Captain Kheren to still be alive, I believe we should go after him." 

He looked at them all "This isn't a wild theory I'm just throwing out, there is a basis for it. What I'm about to tell you can't leave this room, is that understood?"

The Engineer nodded.

"Ten years ago Federation Intelligence set up a highly covert program designed to monitor incoming starfleet applicants for the possibility of Undine infiltration, not to mention a few other changeling species."

"To this end, after much testing, it was decided to employ Erozians as our 'bloodhounds' to root out possible intruders. The reasons were twofold, first was because they had once been a primary member to daily federation operations."

He sat back in his chair "Until the integrated officer program came along it was considered a rear thing not to have an Efrozian as a science officer or navigator aboard a star ship, as their species were unrivaled in single field activitys,  meaning if an Efrozian was on the helm, he knew everything there could be known about it, they even out-matched Vulcans in any single field of science."

"But then we instituted the IOP witch of course means every officer must have training necessary for all operational posts, or the Ops officer has to learn to use navigation or weapons at least to a functional level. Efrozians were incapable of keeping up with the new directive and so were slowly phased out of active duty over the next two decades.

"It was decided that this made them ideal for counter espionage, primarily due to their unique from of empathy." He held his hands out spread as he talked. "Efrozians don't actually 'sense' emotions like a Betazed might, they 'read' body language to a degree we can't quiet understand. The end result is that it's nearly impossible to fool one with pretending to be something you were not born too, as no amount of training known can alter how you move, breath, walk and so forth the same as someone that was raised that way. A vary good operative, like Lieutenant Tomah aboard the USS Lotus, can still slip through but in the end Captain Felez did manage to identify him."

He stood up and walked around the room. "We keep an eye on everyone classified as a potential infiltrator including people like Mr. Solius here.." and waved in his direction. "For vary much the same reason we considered Kheren an Undine infiltrator."

He stopped walking behind his chair and looked at the Romulan. "Both men requested to join starfleet from outside the Federation, both men are top candidates in their fields with prior military history of outstanding service that just so happens much of which is classified or 'lost' and hard to verify, but whos talent almost guarantees them advancement in the ranks and eventually placement within Starfleet command itself."

He sat down again. "Kheren scored a 88% possible match to be an infiltrator, I myself was so convinced that I had him placed with then Commander Felez to keep an eye on him, determined to catch Kheren and use him to unravel the Undine spy ring."

"But.. as time went on, Felez was himself convinced that Kheren could not be a Undine. A t the time I wasn't willing to except that and kept Felez on him, although I fear doing so might have helped Tomah stay under the radar as long as he did." He seemed a little upset by that.

Jureth was puzzled slightlly..It made sense to him that Starfleet would be watching for possible Undine infiltration, but he wasn't sure where Redding was going. "What are you saying Sir?" 

S'Tan nodded as the Acting Captain spoke. He looked upon him with a very calm face, not wanting to reveal he desired to stab the man for suggesting he was a spy. "I think he is saying that our former captain is probably not a spy, Undine, or what have you, and that we should move on. Something must be done about the Undine incursion. There will be more, it's what I would do if I was in there shoes."

Oseno furrowed his brow and shook his head "I don't think the Undine incursion as you put it Mister Solius was an incursion per say. They were after "Boothby," that much was clear. The question is why...why would they turn on their own? Boothby told us that all Undine are individuals and that not all thought or acted as he did. I believe we've unknowingly put ourselves into the middle of something here Sir,"

"Agreed, perhaps even something akin to an Undine civil war." Redding nodded. "I can no longer be sure if Captain Kheren is or is not , or perhaps even was an Undine infiltrator as the case may be. But I received a reply from starfleet command just prior to this meeting and my request to pursue this matter into fuidic space has been denied. It seems they are more concerned with upsetting the possible 'peace process' then our missing captain, for witch I can't really blame them." be he didn't seem particularly happy about it.

"The Horizon has been ordered to complete repairs and return to starbase 10 for a full debriefing and possible reassignment."

He looked down and gave a little sigh "How long until repairs are competed at optimal efficiency  Mr. Solius?"

The engineer frowned, "Optimal efficiency? Maybe 6 hours. Our engines are fine...but I wouldn't suggest Transwarp until I have a chance to shut down the entire engine system and run a full diagnostic. That will take hours on it's own."

"Would it?" Redding said with a Vulcan like raise of his eye brow. "So your saying that the ship wont actually be repaired until that point?" He grimiest thoughtfully. 

"Well.. Starfleet was very direct in it's orders that the Horizon was not to be allowed into Fluidic space, and that we were to return when repairs were complete." He stressed the words quite clearly.

He then walked over to the display panel and in an absent minded manner flipped through a few images, stopping on one displaying the spacial rift to fuidic space. "So I expect you to finish any and all repairs that do not require outside assistance before we return, is that clear Mr. Solius?" 

The engineer squinted his eyes as what the commanding officer was saying came together. "The diagnostic is only to check to see the status. If something is wrong, it could be a day or so to jury-rig a repair. Or it could just be a waste of time... But protocol states I need to run it for a 'complete' repair...Sir."

"In the mean time, I did have the Polaris assigned for a few drills before this situation started, and as they were undamaged and wont be needed for for the repairs, now would be a good time I think.. If you agree Commander Oseno, It's still under your command after all."

Oseno furrowed his brow again and then it dawned on him that Redding was giving him his ship, and time...but his response gave none of that away.

"Aye Sir...if those are your orders." he said dryly "though as acting executive officer I'd like to put on record that I object, strenuously, to our orders...Sir." 

The Romulan raised his eyebrow as so many Vulcans had done in the past. "I am confused by your objection, Commander. Wouldn't most Starfleet officers want to go jaunting around to save their missing Captain? You sound as heartless as I would in your position. Promotions for everyone keep moral high."

Before Oseno could address Solius's remark Redding turned to face them. "That will be all Mr. Oseno. See to your duties." Jureth could be quick to temper and he didn't want this to turn into an omission of possible guilt.

"If you have a moment Solius, I'd like to speak to you alone."  His tone was a serious one.

Oseno levelled his best security officer stare at the Romulan engineer for only a moment before acknowledging Redding. "Aye Sir."  he said tersely before coming to attention and exiting the Ready Room. It was probably for the best, he had work to do and didn't have time to argue with anyone anyway. 

The Romulan simply smiled to the tactical officer as stared at him. He was used to this sort of nonverbal communication, and on a Romulan ship, it might have meant he would have slept with his hand close to a phaser. But here? A meaningless taunt.

"Aye Sir." He responded to the Commander as he leaned back in his chair while waiting for the Science officer to depart.

"Given the nature of the area of space around us, Captain, if the Polaris is going to be conducting drills I believe that it would be in the best interest of scientific enquiry if I could join them. We've had very little contact with fluidic space portals, and a permanent one like this is a rare opportunity to study." Snowfire half-mused as she looked up at Redding with knowing eyes. "Given also the possibility of further incursions into the area, I would like to request permission to take part of the Aegis Circle with me to ensure that they take place in full security from any attempted mental assault. I've already worked out who I'd need, and most of them would also serve to bolster the Polaris's science department to a level I would think capable of conducting a properly thorough survey." She flicked her gaze towards Solius, the cool amusement in her eyes twitching at the edge of her mouth.

"I believe that Lieutenant Solius could also be of great use in the event that the unusual nature of the space around us causes problems for the Polaris's systems. From what we have observed so far, the portal is not precisely stable in its dimensions and if the Polaris were to come to close to it in synch with one of its shifts in dimension it would require the upmost of even the best engineer to prevent serious consequences." A single eyelid flashed a wink at the two officers, and then she stood. "If you do not object I will prepare a list of temporary transfers for the purposes of maintaining an Aegis on the Polaris whilst leaving enough of the Circle here to protect the Horizon."

Redding smiled at her "If you think lieutenant Solius is crucial to mission success I will, of course, assign him to the project. And as for the Aegis your recommendation sounds reasonable enough, proceed at your own discretion."

"Aye, sir." Snowfire nodded, gathered up her PADD from the table and moved swiftly out of the room in pursuit of Jureth. As the door slid shut, the two remaining officers heard her call after him. "Commander, a moment of your ti-"

Then looked back at Solius "It seems our discussion will have to wait lieutenant; you're needed aboard the Polaris and I'm sure you'll need a little time to brief your own people in engineering, unless.. you wish to assign someone better qualified than your self to the Polaris?" The remark was obviously meant to dissuade any rebuttal that might follow.

"I am experienced enough to hear the order, not the question, Commander. I will join the Polaris...this time." With a smirk, the engineer exited the room, picking his PADD off the table.

Oseno had motioned for Commander Yiral, who had been sitting at the Strategic Operations station on the bridge to follow him, and the pair had one foot in the turbolift when Jureth heard the call from the Horizon's science officer behind him. He stopped mid stride and turned and saw Snowfire coming toward him. 

"Go to the ship Adira, tell Mister Hunter to get her ready to go." he said to Yiral

Adira nodded as the lift doors closed and Oseno addressed Snowfire.

"Commander, what can I do for you?"

"We've never had a chance to examine a portal like this up close before, Commander." Snowfire said in way of an answer. "And whilst the Horizon certainly possesses more advanced science facilities, it's not going to be doing more than station-keeping during the repair period. We could launch probes, but we might not get them back due to how the portal shifts. As the Polaris is going out on drills, I requested permission for myself and a small team from my science department to join you so that we could get full scans." She paused, then tapped her head in a leading gesture. "The team would also contain enough psi-capable individuals to form an Aegis around the Polaris, in the - unlikely as it may be - event that the Undine attempt a psionic incursion." Given the capabilities of the Undine, leaving a ship as powerful as the Polaris without a psi-defence like that the Aegis could provide would be a considerable tactical error, one that Jureth would no doubt have noticed himself. "The Captain approved of my release, but the Polaris is your ship. To me it would feel wrong not to ask for your approval to accompany you aboard her."

As the crew begins its preparations to go into fuidic space Commander Redding sat in the conference room thinking dark thoughts to himself. Was encouraging them to 'skirt around' orders from Starfleet really the right way to handle this situation? If the Polaris ran into trouble how would he come to their aid? I was one thing to throw his own life to the winds of uncertainty but them?

The one thing he was absolutely sure of, without the shadow of a doubt, is that Captain Kheren would not approve of this and would most likely, done anything to stop them form attempting it.

But that was the kind of man Kheren was, Redding followed a different philosophy.

The flame yields scars.. scars build resistance.. resistance brings character  this mantra often came to him at times like this.

If the crew wanted to try to find their lost Captain, he wasn't about to stop them.

Redding walked over to the bulkhead windows and looked out into the void, noting his own reflection looking back at him it caused his a little start.

For a second he thought it was an older man with his face, looking back at him skeptically. But it vanished almost as soon as he noticed it.

"Forget it old man, there's no room for second thoughts," he turned away and exited the room.

As the door slid to a close a shadow appeared on it, the shadow of a man.

A disembodied voice spoke. "Report Commander?"

Nathan Cross put a hand on his chin and cocked his head. "As expected Admiral, as expected."



Comments (9)

By Neil Redding on 06/12/2014 @ 2:52am

Oseno will be out for the next 10 days, but anyone can feel free to put something from a point of view perspective on what happened. I really have no idea how to move the story on from this point without getting off track, so feel free to make suggestions.
Note: Finding/rescuing Kheren is not on the table (for now)

By Neil Redding on 06/21/2014 @ 2:35am

I waited a week but the story must go on!

As usual you can re-write any of your lines or add commentary.

By S'Tan Solius on 06/21/2014 @ 3:22am

I think it would be wise to get a headcount on who is still here, or who still wants to be here, now that Glorious Leader has been taken offline :(

By Neil Redding on 06/21/2014 @ 5:03pm

Regardless the story needs to be finished, by myself if necessary. It wont be the first time, but i'd prefer a little help.

By Snowfire K'Leysha PhD on 06/23/2014 @ 5:54am

I'll throw in a few additions in the next day or two - retirement parties for parents are insane. Considering what's already written however, if the dreadnought did get away it would stand to reason that its telepathic presence would have been sensed vanishing before the planet killer fired.

Then again, if that would do too much to mess with suspense, I can leave it as a vague blur of vanishing, in that it did so over a time period that Snowfire can't quite synchronise to the ship's destruction. So foreshadowing instead of outright "I'm pretty sure he isn't dead."

All things considered, that would probably make a better story now that I think about it, so unless someone suggests otherwise that's what I'll do.

By Neil Redding on 07/18/2014 @ 5:52pm

Id like Kheren to finish this up with something happening to him, if your up for it.
Then we should move on to part two unless anyone has more suggestions.

By Kheren on 07/18/2014 @ 9:37pm

I was waiting for Jureth to move out with the Polaris before putting in a description of Fluidic Space and what is happening in there...But Jureth himself has been waiting for a while on Snowfire to respond...

So... I will put in something in tomorrow or Sunday to foreshadow what is awaiting them as per discussed in PM... and see where it leads. :)

By Neil Redding on 07/19/2014 @ 10:16am

I don't think Snowfires last post was actually meant for a response. More of a point of letting Oseno know she was coming along although if she still wants to she can add more.

But we really should be moving it along.

By Oseno Jureth on 07/20/2014 @ 6:18am

I will start the Polaris post later today.