Aboard the Flag ship

Posted on 05/28/2014 @ 12:52pm
Edited on on 06/09/2014 @ 10:11am

Mission: Hawks And Doves
Location: Bridge

As the Delta Flyer shuttle 'Dusk' made its way to the massive Undine ship Redding watched its progress on the main view screen. No sooner had it entered the vessel then he turned to Lt Kyvya, their chief of security.

"Yellow alert Lieutenant, put all stations on stand-by and prepare a boarding party scenario and have a team standing ready."  and without waiting for a reply shifted his attention to Opps, "Lt. Leone, It may become necessary for us to enter fluidic space, as well as maintaining the entry way, if that's even possible, see what you can do."

Just then Commander Sisko entered the bridge "Reporting in commander, I.." but stopped when he noticed that the bridge was springing to life."Did something happen?"

"Redding shook his head "Not a thing Commander Sisko, just running a few drills and working a few 'what if' scenarios. Speaking of witch, I think the Polaris could stand a launch drill seeing as its commanding officer is off ship, see how they do with a different commander, that kind of thing. Feeling up to it?"

Before he could respond Lt Kywya spoke up. "Commander, the Captain clearly relayed his.. disinterest.. in going to yellow alert as it might suggest distrust on our part for this meeting, are you certain this action is necessary?"

"In my opinion, yes lieutenant. The situation has changed sine we arrived. Our Captain and a fair amount of the bridge crew are now aboard that ship." and turned back to Sisko. "And I for one HATE to be caught unprepared."

From the utility console that Commander Oseno had set up for Strategic Operations the Vulcan Lieutenant T'lana rose an spoke up. 

"I would agree with Commander Redding." she stated "The probability that this is something other than an open diplomatic meeting is sixty three point five percent. The Undine are not known for their openess despite their actions during Operation Horizon. Per Commander Oseno's orders I have been running simulations with the officers in the Strategic Operations Center from my console. Major MacGregor and his team are prepared to assault the Undine vessel if necessary and have adjusted their weapons to compensate for Undine physiology. Preparation for other contingencies is a logical course of action." 

"Redding smiled. "Nicely done Mr. Oseno" H said out loud. "Coordinate your findings with the CSO, Lieutenant T'lana, so we're all using the same play book."

He then walked over to Kyvya. "Not to worry Lieutenant, we're not launching ships and weapons will stay on standby until further notice, we will do nothing that might suggest unprovoked aggression on our part."

It was rare for either of them to come eye to eye with another person, it was almost as if they might be challenging each other.

With no hint of emotion Kyvya responded simply. "I do not think the Captain would agree, but it's within your authority, Commander."

After a few more seconds passed and neither of them had looked away Sisko interrupted. "Well, I'll just go and find Major MacGregor then, Shall I Commander?"  

This prompted Redding to turn his head and address him directly. "Vary good Mr. Sisko, carry on." and then he returned to the Captains chair.

He took a breath and looked at the ship on the view screen. "63.5% you say?" Directing this to T'lana. "And they say Vulcans can't be optimist."

"I was not attempting to be an...optimist Sir." T'Lana replied "My calculations are based on what we know of the Undine and the fact that they have succeeded in luring us away from any possible support from Starfleet, but there is a large quantity of unknown information  and I was unable to be more exact. My personal opinion Commander is that the chances of this meeting resulting in conflict of some type are much higher." 

Redding shook his head ruefully but kept a slight smile on his face. "Understood, now get to it." And returned to observing the Dreadnought.

Several minuets passed by with minimal chatter on the bridge, and Sisko reported in that he had started the launch drill for the Polaris. 

At no time did Redding look away from the main screen. " Anything new to report on the Dreadnought Kyvya?" 

Her voice had a slightly dry tone to it. "No Commander, no indication of charging weapons or a self destruct activation.. sir."

Redding sighed slightly "The days still young lieutenant.."

"Commander!" Leone broke in "I was scanning to rip into fuidic space as you requested and.. I.. I think I'm reading an incoming ship sir, But with the distortion it's hard to.."

Redding stood up "On screen." He said sternly.

An Undine ship did indeed pass through to breach, it's look was unmistakable.

"Opps, hail that ship and find out what their intentions are" Redding said turning to look at her.

But she just pointed at the screen"Commander! look!"

Redding looked back to see several more ships coming in quickly behind the first, their positioning looked aggressive.

"Red Alert!" Redding yelled out.

Klaxons blared and T'Lana from her station immediately began requesting real time analysis from the group of officer in the newly activated Strategic Operations Center. Down in the nerve center the Capellan tactical specialist Lieutenant Kalaar and Intelligence Officer Variel Palos were taking in the data from the ship's systems as fast as they could. The Bajoran palos grimaced at the tactical data.

"This isn't good," he commented

"No," Kalaar replied "It is not,  They have enough firepower coming through to wipe out a small battlegroup."

"I'm recommending we beam our people back."

"I agree, we have to get them out of there,"

Palos relayed his recommendation to T'Lana who immediately turned to Commander Redding

"Commander, it has been recommended by my people that we beam our delegation back to the Horizon immediately. The Undine now outnumber us two to one."

"Again with the optimism.." He mumbled.

"I'm detecting 9 Nicor class cruisers commander!" Leone read out.

Nine cruisers and a dreadnought Redding thought to himself, the odds were impossible. He had to fight off the instinct to retreat from the situation or risk the loss of the Horizon to insurmountable odds.

He never even gave T'Lana's recommendation a thought, they'd never be able to beam them off a shielded ship even if they could find them, witch they could not.

"Leone, try and raise the Dusk, they might be able to.." He said after a pause.

"The Undine ships are setting course to the Dreadnought, their firing weapons."

Redding looked genuinely surprised, but only for a second. "Open hailing frequency" Leone did so. 

"This is Commander Redding of the Federation starship USS Horizon, while we cannot interfere with Undine politics we have people aboard that ship, you will cease your attack now or we will move to defend them, please comply."

But he didn't wait for a reply "Tactical, target weapon systems only and if they don't break off immediately fire at will." He knew they would not, but the effort had to be made.

His com went off, it was Sisko. "Ready to launch Sir."

"Negative Commander, with these numbers the Polaris would be more of a liability, return to engineering, we're going to need you there vary soon." He closed the con.

Kyvya said icily "Firing main phasers sir."

Opps officer Leone reported in "I'm unable to hail the Dusk Commander but I am reading more ship signatures coming through the gate, six more sir."

"We have incoming ships Commander Redding."

And the Horizon shook from multiple blows.

Kyvya: "Shields holding, returning fire."

Redding: "Helm one half impulse, bring our port shield to bear on the main group, try to get us closer to the dreadnought."

Helm: "Captain" he said mistakenly "The dreadnought is coming to us."

The next few minuets consisted of battle maneuvers and system response checks aboard the Horizon, the ship was holding up surprising well considering the odds.

"Confirmed Commander, the Dreadnought is not engaging any enemy ships." Tyvya reported as she fired another volley of torpedoes.

The Horizon rocked with the blows of even more incoming fire. "Shields down to 42%" she followed up.

Leones face lit up "It's the Dusk sir! moving away from the main ship.. looks to be in a tractor beam."

Redding had been fast running out of ideas, and had been on the verge of ordering a withdraw from combat. An obvious sign of relief crossed his face. "Helm get us to them, stand by for emergency transport as needed."

He suspected the Dusk was in no danger from the Undine, at least not directly. Their tactics had been to keep the Horizon occupied more than an attempt to destroy them. It was the Dreadnought they wanted pure and simple.

"The Dreadnought is altering course, heading for the rift sir. But its taking considerable damage." Leone looked distressed.

T'Lana was also monitoring the situation. "Commander several ships are breaking off and moving into a formation of.. Commander that pattern is used for destroying planets." He said calmly.

It didn't take much imagination to figure out the target. "Is the Dusk in any danger from the attack?"

T'lana did a quick check. "Yes sir, there is a.." 

"Good enough." Redding cut him off "Tyvya target the central ships primary weapon, see if you can disable it."

"Targeting now" she said. 

The eight ships were only seconds away from from triggering the attack when Leone spoke up. "Should I extend the shields over the Dusk sir?" She had hesitated only briefly, out of uncertainty.

"Proceed, Tyvya wait for conformation." Redding could have kicked himself for not thinking of it first, but didn't dwell on it.

Almost within the same breath Leone confirmed the shield cover that Tyvya said "Firing phasers" and the central Undine vessel fired its devastating blast..

And then the screen was full of light that even the flare compensators had a hard time adjusting for. The ship was rocked moderately by the incoming wave of death.

"Damage report!" Redding yelled out instinctively but even as he did so he saw both Tyvya and Lyrya suddenly collapsed like puppets whose strings had been cut. The Emergency medical Hologram instantly appeared on the bridge to see to them and, after a brief scan, reported their condition with deep frown on it's holographic face.

"They're in a coma. There is no concussion or brain damage that I can detect. It's like their mind suddenly just decided to... shut down. But, if I am to give a preliminary diagnostic, I can see only one possible cause; Andorian matrimonial loss trauma. "

"I will have them both immediately transported to sickbay for further examination and monitoring. I will not mince words here;  when a spouse dies in an Andorian union, the deep telepathic bond between them is severed and the resulting trauma can cause such a state of shock... even the death of the rest of them ..."

His face was still gloomy when the transporter beam whisked the three of them off the bridge.

Redding face went blank "The Dusk?" fearing the ship had been destroyed.

But Leone alleviated that fear. "The Dusk is okay sir, right where it's suppose to be."

"Tactical.." but realized Kyvya was in sick bay so took the station himself.

"Their all gone, the cruisers, the dreadnought.. all of them." Kheren had not been on the Dusk but rather the dreadnought, and it had been destroyed.

"Commander?" Leone said timidly. "The Dusk is coming in for docking."

Redding shook the moment off. "I want full decontamination in place, for the ship and the crew. Have medical standing by for assistance. " And stood up making his way to the lift. "T'Lana you have the Con, start damage assessment and repairs and have Opps do detailed sensor sweeps, if theres anything out there, find it."

He got into the turbo lift. "Main shuttle bay" and the doors closed.

T'Lana did not have time to respond to the XO's order. Instead she stepped over to the command chair and surveyed the bridge to get her bearings. 

"All stations, damage report," she ordered calmly "Operations, updated sensor analysis, coordinate with the Strategic Operations Center if you require assistance. They are standing by to aid as needed."