Medical confrontations and compromises

Posted on 05/14/2014 @ 6:45am
Edited on on 05/19/2014 @ 5:52am

Mission: From the Ashes
Location: USS Phoenix
Timeline: October 2410

As the CMO and the captain continued discussing the medical situation of the Draylaxian, the ship's  chief counselor Lieutenant Celestine Bijoŭ entered into sickbay and scampered alluringly toward them. Her flawless alabaster skin with piercing blue eyes, coupled with a tone and exquisite physique posed a striking combination to her Deltan physiology as she arrived to their positions near the biobeds.

With a soft yet serious tone, she inquired graciously "How may I be of assistance to you gentleman?" 

Elliago described to the psychologist the events of Friedman's awakening and they both could see that she was now coming around. The Deltan moved aside to allow the Cousellor to come near the Dralaxian but still near enough to intervene if any problem would occur. The forcefield safety protocol was active so that any sudden move from the atient would instantly confine her to the bed, wether if she was at risk to fall... or to attack.

The CMO looked at the monitor while Bijou came up to the waking woman. His surprise was evident on his face as he noticed that the officer was Andorian. This was the second time on this ship that he met an Andorian with a distinctively Human name instead of an Andorian one. He knew personally more than a few of this very proud, very distinctive species and how much they were; even those working extensively with other species who could not ever fully learn their partly hypersonic language, like those in Starfleet, Tyvya, Lyrya, Sheeneea... Even one like the self-exiled and ostracized Captain Kheren of the flagship Horizon still clung to Andorian naming tradition; even those born and raised away from Andoria like chief engineer Barile N'Arti of the lost starship Artemis.

But then, there has been his colleague, Doctor Darum Bains of the USS McKenzie, an Andorian who had adopted a Human-sounding name to separate himself forcibly from a people he deemed doomed by it's blind traditions; and now, that Kalynda Hunter he had met on the away team... and  this Counselor Bijou...

He could not say why, but this was starting to... worry him. 

"Hello Lieutenant Friedman. I am counselor Lieutenant Celestine Bijoŭ" the pale Andorian announced as she observed the Draylaxian with a keen eye for her reactions and responses. Individuals act and react in a variety of ways Bijoŭ  had noted when exposed to a series of life-threatening experiences; especially when new to their environment and those around them.

"It would appear that you have endured a series of mishaps on your journey thus far. How are you feeling at the moment?"

The soft voice roused Kathleen out of her slight slumber. She tried to sit up and her head bounced on the force field.

“What? Really?” She exclaimed irritably. “Get this thing off of me!” She punched it fruitlessly. “Did I eat anyone? Attacked?”

Her head fell back onto the bed. So typical of all species; what you can’t understand, you have to confine. Hopelessly, she closed her eyes.

“I will not talk to anyone while I am confined like a common criminal! Not even to you, shrink!”

The Andorian counselor stepped back a moment as her greeting was met with insulting hostility.

Calmly, Celestine responded back to the clearly agitated Draylaxian.

"The force field is a precaution Lieutenant; for both your safety and for those surrounding you. It will be maintained until your condition and temperament has been ascertained."

Noting her reaction, Celestine Bijoŭ added "Perhaps it would be best if I return after you have had more time to regain your composure."

The counselor smiled subtly and then turned to leave the presence of the biobed and its apparently distraught occupant. 

Kathleen opened one eye to watch the retreating back of the irritatingly calm woman.

‘Oh, is this how she wants to play this game?’ Kathleen thought to herself. ‘I can out-stubborn and wait out the best!’ She sighed silently. ‘But do I want to stay confined indefinitely?’

 “Counselor, it’s up to you, whether you stay or go. Take up the nearest scanner and ascertain for yourself that health-wise, I am pretty great. But for someone that suffers from cleithrophobia, being confined like this; I am acting pretty restrained temperamentally.  So, your initial assessment of my mental health was totally off the mark. For the record, I have never in my life attacked, injured or maimed anyone or anything without provocation.”

With that Kathleen turned her back on the counselor. “But that may change in the near future,” she added under her breath.

With her Andorian antennae focused mainly on the simmering Draylaxian, it was easy to hear not only the words and tone of Friedman, but the almost threatening utterances she muttered to herself at the end of her statement.

Celestine Bijoŭ stopped in her tracks and turned to face the patient once again.

"Doctor Friedman, my assessment of your mental condition had not officially begun as you have implied. If it had however, I would be noting concern to your overtly hostile reactions to my simple inquiry as to how you were feeling and then your contentious response to me allowing you more time to recuperate. This does not bode well at the moment to indicate stability of your current psychological condition."

Celestine then glanced over to the CMO who was presently out of earshot to their discussion, before she brought her eyes and antennae back as she continued speaking calmly to the patient.

"I will however make a request to Doctor Nasaro Myth that he seek an alternative to your temporary confinement that would be less oppressive to your cleithrophobia."

“How come I am the bad girl here? I don’t understand how you can validate your statements as not being part of an assessment. And if you would have noticed, I was in a perfectly good mood when I woke up. That was until I hit my head on a forcefield! Naturally, given my part animal biological make-up, it will be the stronger reaction. Ever tried to corner a lion, Doctor?” 

Not expecting an answer, Kathleen closed her eyes again.

“If you were informed of my species, you should know that any animal confined or cornered will act aggressively. I am not acting like my human side because I am not treated like one! Please, do make the request while I am having the hardest time ever fighting off my panic and not totally lose my humanity. And while you are at it, please look at my file before we both say and do things we will regret for a very, very long time. You may also take note that I was injected with drugs after I expressly requested not to be!”

Kathleen curled herself into a ball as far as she was able in the confined space and started keening miserably.

Normally, Elliago would have used his pheromones to calm the Draylaxian. But since his encounter with Lieutenant Decatur on board the Phoenix, he had learned the inapropriatedness of this so casual practice among Deltans and to which even logical Vulcans, Fiery Andorians and most emotional Tellarites and Humans never objected, even welcomed. But the science lieutenant had pointed out clearly to him the invasive, possibly even violating aspect of this practice he had casually followed for decades before meeting someone truly resenting such unrequired influence, even if it was a helpful one. 

And after all, it was a law of medical pratice that you did not go against the patient's wishes as regard to treatment. And here, he didn't know much about the Draylaxian officer under his care.

"Doctor Friedman," he then asked with his customary warm, friendly smile, ". As a Deltan, I have pheromones that can soothe all humanoid species without using any drugs, radiation or apparatus... and even affect a few non-humanoid ones like Ghelnoids. I can help you relax better if you wish... and forego the necessity of this containement field."

Either that, or the words alone would convince her of showing calm and restraint, enough to convince the counselor that she was. Elliago was no xenopsychologist officially... but he knew quite a good deal about a patient' state of mind, especially difficult patients like overactive starship commanders and overreaching officers... most of all intelligent ones.

Somehow the softly spoken words of the CMO penetrated the growing panic and fear in Kathleen’s mind. She carefully opened her eyes and immediately felt calmer. He is someone she knew, albeit not much longer than the counselor, but at least she doesn’t feel any animosity towards him.

“Please, Doctor. I don’t know how much longer I can keep it together.”

The Deltan smiled all the more with a soft nod then delicately put his hand on her shoulder. The moment his pheromones emanated from his body, the effect was instantaneous. Elliago had noticed that species with high olfactive sensibilities reacted very strongly to them, to the point that one like an Andorian went from rage to calmness practically instantly. Even humans who were especially stunted in that specific area felt the soothing effect in mere seconds. And the effect was more thanjust psychological; it also acted as a natural anesthethic and pain killer that could numb even the most painful fracture to barely a pleasant tingling and relaxed the tissues to provide optimal healing conditions.

And judging by the instant soothing of both body and mind of the Draylaxian woman as soon as he applied his natural body odor, her species was indeed endowed with very efficient olfactory organs.

Kathleen felt in control again the moment the Deltan touched her. Relief flooded her system and for the first time since before the accident, her thoughts are her own and not something from the mix of her genetics.

She looked at the CMO gratefully.

“Thank you very much, Doctor! I can’t tell you what a relief it is to be finally just me in my own skin. Now,” she lightly pushed at the forcefield with one finger, “do you think you can let this thing go? It still makes me very anxious.”

Elliago just smiled and deactivated the restraining forcefield

“Now, if we can get past my reaction, which we all can say was due to circumstances, the phobia and the fear of an animal being cornered, I really do need to get back to the planetoid to make sure nothing was harmed during the little experiment they had.”

The Deltan Doctor looked again at the monitor reading while his hand was still on her, double-checking her health with his own sensitivity. His smile did not waver as he nodded to her.

"You're medically fit to return to duty, Doctor Friedman. But You still have to get the psychological bill of health from Counselor Bijou here and that specific permission from the Captain. A word to the wise though; be careful. What we're doing out there is bound to cause such... mishaps... and not only to us."

“I know, thank you Doctor.” On impulse she squeezed his hand. “That is one of the reasons I need to go back to the planetoid; to prevent further incidents.”

"Well, we have a saying us doctors; prevention is always a better treatment than any cure... and cures everything including what has none. Us too, Starfleet officers..."

He smiled again, a dry, almost sad smile and gave her a nod before going to where still rested the other victims of the recent shuttle accident.

She turned towards the Andorian.

“Doctor Bijoŭ, I don’t doubt you have sufficient knowledge in your chosen subject to counsel patients that went through a traumatic experience. However, you seem to think I should react in the same way as your more humanoid patients, which clearly, failed with me.” Kathleen smiled at her. “You cannot use your techniques on me, because I am unique. In physiology and psychology.  As our esteemed CMO may attest, I am something of everything and nothing of anything.”

“Now, seems I need your approval to continue my work down on the planetoid. Will you give it freely?”

With a suble smile Celestine Bijoŭ turned from the Draylaxian to the CMO standing nearby.

"If you deem this patient to be in sufficient condition to be released from sickbay Elliago, I would request that I escort her to my office to engage in a conversation with her."

Through her soft yet firm statement, the Andorian counselor conveyed to the CMO that she needed to conduct her own series of examinations that did not involve any tools or devices in order to be able to officially answer the question Friedman posed to her.

"My job is done, Counselor," confirmed hte ship,s CMO while helping the Dralaxian up with a gentle but firm hand Then he whipered in her ear. "Doctor Friedman, please collaborate as best you can with Counsellor Bijou as you did with me. As you can see, it's your best chance to get back to whatever you want to get back to."

Celestine then turned her attention back to the Draylaxian patient and with a gestured hand, indicated her intention.

"If you will follow me Doctor Friedman, we can continue our discussion in the comfort of my office just around the corner."

With that established, Celestine turned slightly and began a slow pace toward the exit doors of Sickbay.

The captain meanwhile had been unobtrusively observing from a distance the vexing interactions occurring among the Draylaxian, the counselor and his chief medical officer. Now that her basal instincts seemed to be subsided through the unique physiology of the CMO, with a mere nod to Nasaro-Myth the captain quietly departed sickbay before the other two and headed back up to the bridge to continue with his own responsibilities.

Kathleen sighed, but nevertheless, got up to follow the Andorian to her office. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that the Captain already left the sickbay and the anxiety started to gnaw on her insides.

“Excuse me.” She stopped a passing ensign. “May I ask if you know where the Captain went?”

“Sure Lieutenant! From what I could tell he was heading toward the turbo lift.”

“Thank you, Ensign. Continue on your way.” She smiled at the poor man who was obviously in a great hurry before she stopped him.

She turned the corner and found the Counselor's office. When the Andorian gestured to her to sit, she thankfully sat down and let the chair support her back.

“So...” she smiled at the woman. “What do you want to know?”

Sitting comfortably in her office chair, Celestine smiled softly and noted professionally "Perhaps, we should start with what specifically occurred down on the surface that led to your injuries and see where this leads us."

“I gather you want to know about my personal experiences rather than about the how and what happened?” At the nod from the Andorian, Kathleen leaned back again, took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

“With the last scan inputted in the data base, Fallon ran the results, because as usual, she jumped the gun and ran the routine concurrently while updating the data. As it happens, if she didn’t, we would have lost far more than just a few bits of skin and hair. I immediately closed the inner hatch leading towards the big cavern where we presume the DNA samples and growing embryos were housed.”

She leaned forward again her eyes on Bijou.

“Now, the first time I entered that chamber, I was nearly deafened by a very harsh screeching sound which no one else could hear but me. It tickled my curious side. The more so when the four of us initially inside that chamber, saw the sigils quite differently from each other.”

She got up and started pacing.

“Now that should have been my first warning that something wasn’t quite right. The multiple observations was cleared up by the first scans and Fallon mentioned that in the recording.”

Kathleen started using her hands to add emphasis to her words.

“I noticed a shimmering in the air which was explained as soon as my suit started malfunctioning, popping holes, fixing holes, cool air and then extremely hot. Because of my physiology, I am quite used to extreme temperatures but even that was outside my comfort zone. I could see that Fallon was suffering so I used the forcefield as protection over us. The one I used as a table. My mother was quite good with adapting equipment to suit our needs.” She smiled reminiscently.

After staring off into space a few seconds, she shook her head and continued.

“Anyways, I knew I can go into my hibernation stage to give Fallon more time to do the recording and I wouldn’t need the oxygen at that time. There was only a few minutes left of it. She needed it more than me.”

“I also asked that I not be injected with anything at any stage if and when we are found, but I guess that message wasn’t given to the CMO.” She tapped her chin. “But then, I also neglected to inform the CMO of my reaction towards normal drugs when I entered the ship...”

She shook her head.

“Deprived of oxygen except for what was in my suit, I changed towards my prime form and entered hibernation. The next thing I knew, I woke up totally out of my skin. Believe me, I don’t like being out of control. And when my prime form takes over...not a nice thing.”

“My physiological make-up allows me to heal much faster than normal, as you can see. I am back in prime health, and thanks to Doctor Eliago, I am in control of myself again.”

She yawned mightily and laughed at herself.

“I am not tired, at all. I cannot explain why I keep yawning!”

"You have been through quite an ordeal Lieutenant." Celestine noted unassumingly.  "Perhaps even though you mind now feels active and ready to proceed, physically your body is still working toward fully healing itself. Rest is often a key component in this process for many species."

Then slightly leaning back, the counselor inquired "So if you do not mind Lieutenant, could you share with me how you chose this field of genetics as your profession?" 

For the next seventy-three minutes, the conversation volleyed back-and-forth between the counselor and Friedman. Despite her initial reactions and subsequent hesitations, Kathleen heeded the CMOs advise and opened up to the counselor as they progressed with their conversation.

By the conclusion of their session, Celestine Bijoŭ was not only convinced that the geneticist was psychologically fit to return to duty, but was also impressed with her work and accomplishments. She then dismissed the Draylaxian and updated her personnel file to indicate that Kathleen was now clear to resume her duties and eligible to return back to the surface to continue with her research.

Kathleen was on her way to the turbolift when her combadge chirped. When the computer voice informed her that she was cleared for duty, she couldn’t stop herself from making a few excited dance steps in the hallway. She looked around her, slightly embarrassed at her childish display before entering the lift and requested the transporter room.

“Suit! I need a new suit! What is that girl’s name? Adalia Valerous.” She tapped her combadge. Lieutenant Friedman to Ensign Adalia Valerous!”

“Ensign Valerous here, Lieutenant. How can I be of service?”

“I need a new evosuit as soon as possible. How fast can I get it?”

“Hold a second, Lieutenant.”

“I don’t have time to go to my quarters. Can you send it to turbo lift...”

“I have your position, Doctor Friedman. The suit will be...right there.”  A slight shimmer announced the arrival of the suit.

“Thank you so much, Ensign! Friedman out!”

With the ease of practice, Kathleen quickly changed from sickbay gown to evosuit. In seconds she exited the lift, threw the gown in the nearest replicator and entered the transporter room.

“To the planetoid, if you please, Ensign!”

Even when the uncomfortable feeling of the transporter making her nauseous, she hoped that she will still be able to run a few tests to confirm her suspicions.

*             *             *



Comments (1)

By Syntron on 05/14/2014 @ 6:46am

Ran out of space on the previous thread.

Continue on here with the dialogue and events here.