Make it So

Posted on 02/24/2012 @ 10:47am
Edited on on 03/04/2012 @ 10:43am

Mission: Azimuth Horizon: Crusade - Chapter 3: Preparations
Location: Starbase 10, Deck 7, Main Conference Hall
Timeline: 87170.85

Posted by:

Fleet Captain
Temporal Ribbon of Excellence
Prentares Ribbon of Commendation

User: Evshell

RP Master
Borg War

Samji nodded appreciatively at all the officers providing solutions. Not only that, but they were presented calmly and with respect, not shouted angrily or with sown with idignation as with previous topics.

"We'll certainly be able to program in an instant detonation at the correct moment while the shuttle is at warp. Probes have some of the same flaws as torpedoes in that they can be so easily damaged and will have to be pinpointed into the existing fractures rather than being able to create their own fracture to tie into the overall trench."

"I like all these suggestions, gentlebeings. I will have to agree that I would prefer we program the shuttles to do the job rather than risk lives. We will operate them remotely from Operations here. We have 200 Danube-class runabouts and 300 Type-9 shuttles. These are our oldest models and will be perfect for the deployment. It's costly, but anything to survive this will be worth it. This will also leave 500 more newer shuttles on the Starbase in case we need to evacuate. Of course we want to cause enough of a subspace rift encircling the Anomaly, but not cause explosions within the Anomaly itself, so we'll need our science officers to run some simulations to determine the desired number and location."

"As for what order to do things in," he added, with a nod to Captain Crist, "you will have to do what needs to be done when the problem presents itself. We have no way of knowing when each faction will show up, but I will be coordinating with tactical officers who will be watching our borders in shuttles and using a tachyon grid to detect cloaked vessels. Therefore, I should be able to give you a bit of a heads up."

"You have your orders, and it is up to your ships' leadership to decide how to execute them. Strategies should be discussed and I want you to be sharing your ideas with other officers from the other ships that share your role, not just your own ship. Come up with as many ideas as possible and present them to your XOs and Captains. I'll remain here to answer any additional questions, but I think this meeting has fulfilled its purpose."

"May good fortune smile upon us all," Samji added, indicating that it was indeed time to get to work.

As people were getting up to leave Sorripto watched a group of officers walk past him. Addressing the group as a whole Sorripto spoke.

"On my planet we have a saying. While not direct, it roughly translates to the voice of reason will often come from the most unreasonable man in the room. People want to talk about a few stragglers as experience. Congratulations you just won a fist fight with a mall security guard and are now claiming you have a the experience to take down a special operations soldier. When the time comes I hope someone here listend to the dumb Cardassian in the back of the room."

Walking around the group Sorripto did not wait for a response instead his body language said that was as close to an apology as they were going to get, and as far as he was concerned this conversation was over.

I just hope when the time comes that someone here listened to what I say.



Comments (3)

By Allen Samji on 02/24/2012 @ 10:53am

Edited to account for Drakxii's post that he made while I was writing mine.

By Allen Samji on 03/04/2012 @ 6:24am

Response added to mine for Sorripto... since he is on duty he has limited access to stuff and I have to add it for him... so expect some of his responses to be quite backdated.

By Kheren on 03/04/2012 @ 10:43am

no sweat. Such good RP is worth the wait!