Conversation with Josh

Posted on 01/30/2012 @ 4:31am
Edited on on 02/01/2012 @ 6:55pm

Mission: Azimuth Horizon: Crusade - Chapter 2: Assembly
Location: SB10 Briefing

(Quote from Josh: "Good morning Lieutenant," Josh replied. "I got some rest in after finishing up repairs. How are things in the tactical department?")

"They are coming along. Being in command since we docked has taken up some of my time, and I want to tighten up our response times, but that will come with training. I'm also quite pleased with the performance of MVAM and the weapons systems, and I've requested they add a dozen transphasic torpedoes to our inventory. Whether we get them or not is a defferent story."

Jureth sat down next to Josh before he continued

"What about Ops, are things as you like them?"

"Things are going good in Ops," Josh replied. "All of the systems are repaired and ready to go back out."

Josh welcomed Jureth's company. He had felt vulnerable as he sat alone surrounded by the groupings of the other crews, but as his crewmate joined him he felt secure.

Jureth nodded at Josh's statement "Ready to go is good. I can't shake the feeling that we're in for more of a test than a small squadron of Klingons."

"I know the feeling, it is quite spectacular to see the entire fleet assembled here," Josh agreed. "I'd bet the Romulans that I ran into just before joining the Alsea have something to do with that."

Jureth frowned, he hadn't considered the possibility that the Romulans might be involved as well though that didn't change the Alsea's tactical response that much.

"Klingons and Romulans...that formula does not sit well with me at all."

"Me neither folks," Fleet Captain Samji replied as he approached and heard the end of the conversation. He had not spoken to either officer since their respective transfers to the Alsea and he was anxious to catch up. "Mister Oseno," Samji greeted the Alsea Tactical/Security officer, with a handshake, and then the Operations officer in turn. "Mister Vincent, your experience with Romulans was more pleasant than a large majority of Starfleet can claim to say. What do you think of our chances of reasoning with them?"

"Honestly sir, I think it depends on which commander we're facing," Josh began. "Overall, I think we should expect a fight if they're coming after the Horizon too, but if there's one thing I've learned about Romulans it is to expect the unexpected."

Samji frowned. "Yes, unfortunately I'd tend to agree. We'll go over it more soon, but my first impression is that we're not going to be dealing with the most diplomatic of the enemy. It is likely the Commander you encountered was even quite against their current government."

"The Romulans are the wild card I think Sir." Jureth said "Based on our encounter with the Klingons I think we know their intent even though I don't understand it."

"I wholeheartedly agree with that," Josh agreed. "They sure seemed set on giving us a thrashing."

Oseno nodded "It doesn't make any sense though. From a tactical standpoint they had to know they were outmatched, but they attacked anyway."

Samji agreed, "They are no Vulcans, for sure. Often their sense of honor will get in the way of logical thinking that even we Humans or Bajorans can manage."

He then saw an officer arrive at the distant doors with loose coveralls tied around his waist and a tired but satisfied look of someone who had been working all night. Approaching the replicator, he was followed in by a young woman in blue.

"If you'll excuse me gentlemen, I'm going to head for the doors to greet newcomers," Samji said with a nod and began his climb up the towering seating arrangement in front of him.

Jureth watched the Fleet Captain move away towards the entrance to the conference room, and as he turned back to say something to Josh his communicator chirped.

"Alsea to Oseno."

Jureth frowned as he recognized Cat Steele's voice. She knew he was here for the briefing, what could possibly be important enough to bother him.

He tapped the communicator and responded "Oseno here, what is it?"

"Sorry to bother you, but I thought you'd want to know that you've received some gifts from Starbase Ten, twelve of them to be exact." took Jureth half a second to comprehend what she was saying and then it dawned on him...the transphasic torpedoes he'd requisitoned!

"Excellent!" he responded with excitement in his voice

"I just have one question, where do you want me to put them? Our torpedo bays are full."

Jureth only thought about it for a moment before replying "Move some of our empty casings to the cargo bay. Six forward, six aft."

"Understood, Alsea out."

Jureth turned to Josh with a smile, "Seems like the prophets reach extends beyond Bajor. Those should give us some extra punch."

"They should indeed. If we run into the Kang again, we'll be able to disable it without getting any more scratches on the hull," Josh replied with a chuckle.

Jureth laughed as well "Yes I'm sure Starfleet would appreciate that greatly. I wonder how the captain is doing. I haven't heard anything, and Commander Rivers seems to have arrived alone," Jureth nodded his head in the direction of the entrance where the striking red haired first officer of the Alsea could be seen conversing with Fleet Captain Samji.

"I'm sure he'll pull through," Josh replied, with a somber tone. "The captain is very strong."

Josh tried his best to give Jureth a reassuring look as he spoke. It was hard on a crew, and even moreso on the security chief, when the captain got injured because it is every officer's duty to protect the Federation, the ship, and the captain. During security training at the Academy it is made clear that heavy responsibility of keeping the captain safe falls on the security chief's shoulders, and while Josh was not the security chief now, he knew how Jureth must feel because they shared the same Academy training.

"Excuse me for a moment, Lieutenant, I think I'll want a coffee for this breifing," Josh said as he stood and made his way to the replicator.



Comments (2)

By Allen Samji on 01/30/2012 @ 3:28pm

Added a response as my character moved from a discussion with Captain Summers to yours.

Jureth, correct me if I'm wrong with the surname, but I'm assuming you switched them in your bio form so that it would appear in the correct order. Still attempting to figure out how to program the application to list Bajorans!

By Oseno Jureth on 01/30/2012 @ 4:03pm

You are absolutely correct! and you're one of the few whose gotten it right including my own CO lol