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Returning to the Start

Posted on 04/05/2013 @ 5:22am by Captain Neil Redding

 Dr. Nathaniel Cross, Temporal  Psychosis and Readjustment department. (TPR)

Location: Temporal Investigations Housing Complex

Stardate: Undisclosed at this time.

Subject: Rear Admiral, Neil Stanley Redding.

Status: Listed as temporally displaced until new definition can be applied, situation: unique.

Overview: Subject Redding was exposed to supercharged chroniton emissions and was rejuvenated to an earlier state of existence in both physical presence as well as mentality. It is to be noted that prior exposure to chonatonic energy was likely a catalyst for the event.

Transcript to follow:

*The setting opens with a man dressed in black with white striping sitting across a table from a large man in a gray jumpsuit. The room is bare with the exception of a one way mirror along one wall and a picture

of a starship passing between a planet and its moon on the other and a door can be seen behind the man in black*

"Would you like anything to drink Neil?" Dr. Cross asked politely.

Neil looked away from the painting to Cross "Sure, why not? Some cold water would be great" He didn't seem particularly uncomfortable despite the situation.

The doctor stood up hesitantly at first, it was obvious he had expected Redding to say no, everyone did after all. "Your remarkably calm Neil, considering."  touched the picture frame and it vanished, leaving a recess in the wall.

"Computer, water, chilled." and the glass quickly materialized with cold water in it.

Redding looked at it with great interest. "Well, that was handy. Can it make anything else?" as he took the glass from Crosses hand.

"Oh yes, nearly anything you could think of. It's called a replicator, one of many inventions that you will discover when you leave this place." and sat back down.

Redding drank some of the water with the same apparent lack of concern, then looked up at the doctor "So I do get to leave some day? always good to hear. So what are we here for Mr?.."

"Cross, Nathan Cross. Dr. Cross if you need a title." He folded his black gloved hands up under his chin.

"OK, Dr. Cross, let me see if I can cut a few corners here. You're from Earth, south eastern united states.. Georgia boy? Witch means you're Federation.. or a spy. BUT.. this place, that machine over there and a few other things I've seen since I got here.. I'm starting to think It's not so much a question of were I am as much as when I am."

Cross's expression didn't change. "Lets not get ahead of our selves, first I'd like you to tell me, for the record, your name, rank and personal information including date of birth, last assignment, and the like."

Redding took another drink and sat back in his chair "I'll play along. I'm Neil.. Stanley, named after my father.. Redding. Born December 23, 2254 in Anderson, Montana. My last assignment was aboard the USS Ajax from 2284 to present.." Then trailed off "I mean till 2288 and then I showed up.. here." Cross simply waited for him to continue. Redding sighed and went on "I maintained the position of Chief security officer for the last three weeks until.. until.." he strained to remember.

"What is the last thing you remember Neil? don't push to hard, just relax and let it come to you." Cross had a vary calming voice that was hard to ignore.

"I.. I was on Terranic III, a mining moon in the Tostig system of the Celes sector, a local despot had tracked us, Sara and me, to the facility..

**Flash back in part 2**


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Comments (1)

By Captain Kheren on 04/05/2013 @ 4:09pm

Can't wait for the next part :)