Starfleet Decoration for Gallantry
Awarded 09/29/2014 @ 7:51am
Nominated by Captain Kheren
For protecting and saving injured personnel of Starbase 10 during a Romulan attack at great personal risk. (Starbase 10: Captive Starbase) |
Starfleet Award for Valor
Awarded 09/29/2014 @ 7:57am
Nominated by Captain Kheren
For volunteering to guide safely the USS Artemis out of the Azimuth Horizon anomaly aboard a shuttlecraft and successfully helped his ship to escape. (USS Artemis: Before the Storm)
Starfleet Command Decoration
Awarded 09/29/2014 @ 8:00am
Nominated by Captain Kheren
Contributing to defeating a Klingon attack force and to establishing a truce with the Undines while in command of the bridge module Aegis of the USS Artemis and safeguarding the escaping crew of that vessel. ( 2nd Fleet Action : Crusade)
Starfleet Medical Decoration
Awarded 10/02/2014 @ 8:32am
Nominated by Captain Syntron
For Excellence of Service
(USS Phoenix S3 E1: From The Ashes)
Star Cross
Awarded 09/23/2016 @ 11:55am
Nominated by Captain Kheren
For distinguished actions in influencing events towards a peaceful resolution in a high threat situation; Particularly, when under duress aboard the Cardassian vessel Orias during the Diamond Star theft investigation.
Temporal Ribbon of Excellence
Awarded 02/05/2017 @ 11:35pm
Nominated by Captain Kheren
for restoring the timeline from the Kelvin alteration. |