Starfleet Command Decoration
Awarded 01/23/2012 @ 5:29pm
Nominated by Fleet Captain Allen Samji
Starfleet Science Decoration
Awarded 01/23/2012 @ 5:29pm
Nominated by Fleet Captain Allen Samji
Temporal Ribbon of Excellence
Awarded 01/23/2012 @ 5:29pm
Nominated by Fleet Captain Allen Samji
Star Cross
Awarded 01/23/2012 @ 5:29pm
Nominated by Fleet Captain Allen Samji
Lotus Fleet Medal of Diplomacy
Awarded 01/23/2012 @ 5:29pm
Nominated by Fleet Captain Allen Samji
Starfleet Medal of Commendation
Awarded 02/11/2013 @ 5:07pm
Nominated by Fleet Captain Allen Samji
For most meritorious conduct in the line of duty during preliminary preparations of Operation Horizon.
CLASSIFIED REASON: Through his leadership, the company and crew of the USS Artemis selflessly and anonymously sacrificed all with him to restore the timeline and to fully resolve a time paradox in a most exemplary manner.
Christopher Pike Medal of Valor
Awarded 02/11/2013 @ 5:08pm
Nominated by Fleet Captain Allen Samji
For extraordinary leadership in saving the crew of the Artemis while sacrificing his own safety, and moving without hesitation toward completing the next phase of the operation with only a portion of the ship intact.
Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry
Awarded 02/11/2013 @ 5:08pm
Nominated by Fleet Captain Allen Samji
For putting the needs of Lotus Fleet and the Federation ahead of his own life on numerous occasions during Operation Horizon in the face of clear and present danger.
Starfleet Silver Palm
Awarded 09/26/2014 @ 5:11am
Nominated by Captain Kheren
Establishing peace with the Undines and directly answering their request to stabilze their civilization towards survival and proseprity
Starfleet Tactical Decoration
Awarded 09/26/2014 @ 5:20am
Nominated by Captain Kheren
In neutralizing with only two officers the mad artificial intelligence of the lost starship USS Achilles/Nemesis (USS Artemis S2E3 I Alone Survived)
Starfleet Engineers Decoration
Awarded 09/26/2014 @ 5:22am
Nominated by Captain Kheren
Successfully testing and bringing to service under his command transwarp drive technology (USS Horizon S3 E1: The Forgotten)
Kathryn Janeway Medal of Valor
Awarded 12/18/2015 @ 3:37pm
Nominated by Captain Kheren
For exemplary action as lead officer of Operation Horizon beyond the Azimuth Horizon; following Starfleet's general orders, rules & regulations and Rules of engagement while confronting a hostile species, ensuring the safety of Federation citizens in unknown territory and completing successfully mission parameters despite all difficulties, all this without contact or support from Starfleet and the Federation.
Legion of Honor
Awarded 09/23/2016 @ 11:46am
Nominated by Captain Kheren
For successfully leading the establishment of the first colony in the Azimuth Horizon universe and establishing first contact and diplomatic relations with a native spacefaring civilization, according to all laws and values of the United Federation of Planets.