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07/17/2016 @ 4:29pm

Lieutenant JG Duncan Argyle

Name Duncan Michael Argyle

Position Chief Tac/Sec Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Character Deceased No
Gender Male
Species (Common) Human
Mixed (Secondary) Species Unspecified
Other Species
Date of Birth (Offical Stardate Calculator)
Place of Birth

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3
Weight 250
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Skin Color
Physical Description

Standing 6'3 and weighing 250 pounds Duncan Argyle is a very physically imposing man.  This natural presence is only enhanced by the borg based implants still attached to his body.


Father(s) Michael Argyle
Other Family
Family History

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Strengths & Weaknesses
Hobbies & Interests

Basic History

Personal History

Duncan Argyle was created for one purpose, death.  During the Dominion war some sections of Starfleet began experimenting with technology and genetics to create super soldiers.  Following the defeat of the borg at the battle of Starbase 10 a secret group of scientists began using borg technology to create human drone hybrids with the strengths of a borg, but the conscious that could follow orders.  Following the collapse of Section 31 after the actions of Lieutenant Commander Sorripto, at what has been called the Horizon event, these scientists and their soldiers were shut down.  The Federation, never one to destroy sentient life, repaired and healed the soldiers.  When not all the borg technology could be removed Duncan requested to keep his implants and cybernetic attachments.  He was a tactical officer at heart and he knew his new found gifts could come in handy.  With Starfleet's blessing the neural controls were removed and now a fully functional cyborg Duncan Argyle returned to the type of duty his family had held for generations, service aboard a Starfleet vessel. 

Medical History
Service Record

Academy Studies

Field of Study Unspecified
Year of Graduation
Moral Lesson Learned in the Academy
Additional Information