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01/25/2016 @ 1:29pm

Ensign Meeramanee Blackbird

Name Meeramanee Blackbird

Position Archaeologist

Second Position Operations Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Character Deceased No
Gender Female
Species (Common) Human
Mixed (Secondary) Species Unspecified
Other Species Amerind subspecies
Date of Birth (Offical Stardate Calculator) 62596.5
Age 25
Place of Birth Dorvin V

Physical Appearance

Height 1.77m
Weight 60 kg
Hair Color jet black
Eye Color black
Skin Color copperish
Physical Description

She is a tall, very athletic Human woman with reddish skin and black slanted eyes, high cheekbones, an aquiline nose and generous lips. her hair is shiny black and come straight down just below her shoulders.


Spouse none


Father(s) Jim Blackbird
Mother(s) Myriam Whitecloud

Kevin Blackbird (26)


Anikuni Blackbird (22)

Other Family


Family History

Her parents were among the settlers of Drvin V at the time when the cardassians tried to forcibly remove the Amerind colony settled there in the then Demilitarized Zone.

Personality & Traits

General Overview

Very meticulous and disciplined but with a slight rebellious streak that shows when she is challenged. She loves proving herself useful.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Very dedicated almost to the point of annoyance, but her excellence in performing her duty has her covered from impatient officers. She never makes a mistake with a file or report and is quick to point it out when necessary. She migh enjoy paperwork and administrative necessities a bit too much for action-oriented people.


She wishes to someday manage a whole starbase. Her assignment to the Horizon is almost giving her the dream job she always wanted.

Hobbies & Interests

She is a survivalist, expert in survival techniques in virtually every kind of environment, from Andorian-like arctic to Vulcan like desert and every variant in between. She enjoys a lot testing herself in the holodeck and has a personal collection of environmental programs she uses often. She enjoys mountainclimbing, hiking, swimming, fishing, hunting, camping and almost every strenuous outdoor activity; but  she hates things like the ancient Earth sports like Golf and baseball she considers only good for old men.

Basic History

Personal History

Raised among her kind on Dorvin V, she soon found no uintellectual or physical challenge worth her interest and thus applied for Starfleet at 18, to the dismay of her entire family. her brother in particular conisder her a traitor to everything their people stand for because she did so. She hasn't spoken to him for seven years now.

Medical History

Numerous broken bones, torn muscles and torn ligaments from innumerable outdoor hazards, all healed. She is a firm beleiver in the sentence: what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

Service Record

-Starfleet Academy: graduated with honors in ship operations with a specialty in management. Hold the Academy record for successfully completing the survival test faster and beter than anyone in Starfleet History; she not only did it in less than a day, but helped all other participants to succeed along the way! She cross-trained in medical and Security but refused offers to join those departments, prefering the calm and quiet of office work when it came to duty. The rest was for fun, not work.

-Lotus Fleet Academy; USS Aurora:  again outperformed every previous cadet in survival courses and administrative duties. She did not attempt the Kobayashi maru, disdaining it as a mere "hologame."

-Starbase Lotus; assigned as Ensign to the management dept.

- USS Horizon; assigned as Yeoman to Captain Kheren with the rank of Ensign. This is her first deep space assignment.

Academy Studies

Field of Study Operations
Specialty Ship management
Year of Graduation 2410
Moral Lesson Learned in the Academy

Never go into unknown territory without a map, a compass or a simple knowledge of astronomy; the same is true in running a ship or a base.

Additional Information

She has studied her next assignment on the Horizon and the file of Captain Kheren in particular. She is fascinated by all the wonders he had seen and experienced and want to be part of such grand discoveries and experiences that seem to be his bread and butter.