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11/25/2022 @ 12:19pm

Lieutenant JG Lyrya

Name Lyrya Ph.D.

Position Chief Counselor

Second Position Neurobiologist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Character Deceased No
Gender Zhen
Species (Common) Andorian
Mixed (Secondary) Species Unspecified
Other Species Aenar subspecies
Date of Birth (Offical Stardate Calculator) 43403.9
Age 44
Place of Birth Andoria (Northen pole)

Physical Appearance

Height 1.82m
Weight 55 kg
Hair Color White
Eye Color White
Skin Color White
Physical Description

Lyrya is a tall, lithe, white-skinned Andorian of the elusive and very rare Aenar subspecies but otherwise typically Andorian looking with antennea on the forward part of her skull and long, thick straight white hair. her eyes are laso uniformely white as she is blind like all of her species.


Spouse Kheren (Starfleet captai) Tyvya (Starfleet sec/tac officer)


Father(s) Rolan & Hugeb (deceased)
Mother(s) Jinin & Anina (deceased)

Gheleb & Thren (deceased)


Zynya (deceased)

Other Family

Although she is, as an Aenar, part of a vast mindmelded community, she has severed all ties with the rest of her kind.

Family History

Aenars do not limit themselves to the genetic bond of parents and siblings, thanks to the constant linking of their minds through their natural gift of telepathy. For most of her life, Lyrya, the youngest, enjoyed this quiet, peaceful, isolated life of her kind but, atypical to most of them, always felt closer to her direct parentage and litter.

When they were all captured in 2375 by Dominion agents and eventually killed in a foiled attempt by Starfleet Intelligence to harness their power of telepathy in a last ditch attempt to turn defeat into victory, Lyrya, sole survivor, was for a long time thraumatized by the loss. She recovered, apparently... but in 2394, she astounded everyone by joining Starfleet, severing all ties with her people. She stated to them that their isolationismfrom the rest of the universe was an act of violence in itself against their own kind and a cause of suffering she would endeavor to end by joining the peace-keeping force that was Starfleet and making their pacifist views influential in this Federation that, sinc ethe war, had turned more and more to violence to solve issues, loosing it's way.

The Aenar community is still debating the wisdom of such a decision. To this date, no other Aenar yet ever left Andoria or followed in her footsteps.

Personality & Traits

General Overview

Lyrya is calm, poised, controled and amiable although shy and introverted. She is very soft-spoken even when she make forceful arguments and take decisive action.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Almost as unfazeable as a Vulcan outwardly, but inwardly she is as sensitive en empathic as a Deltan. This need to repress the outward signs and effects of her deeply felt emotions needs Starfleet protocol and discipline to work. Requesting to serve under the infamous Kheren, reknowned for his steadfast, unswerving belief in Federation ideals and Starfleet rules, had been a mandatory step for her to achieve that goal. Marrying him made that step as visceral as professional and she is now quite balanced... and fearful of anything that can threaten that balance.


She is also very dependent on her marriage and relationship with her other spouse, Tyvya. Her strenght and agressiveness provides her with a safety net as well as a direct understanding at that behavior she wishes to tame in her society.


She is currently fulfilling her ambitions; to propagate the true message of peace of the Federation and of her people through the stars.


The torture she survived from left her immune system much more resilient to infection, irradiation and poisonning than the Andorian norm.

Hobbies & Interests

Lyrya is a great lover of music of all kind and herself can play almost any musical instrument with uncanny talent. her singing voice is as mesmerizing as that of the legendary Earth sirens.

Basic History

Personal History


Originally, she was a scholar among her people and working as a mediator with their blue cousins on Andoria when contact was made for commercial and cultural purposes. Her innate empathy and strange mix of deep feeling and strong self-control made her very well appreciated by their visitors and she was then looking forward to a career as an ambassador for her people... until came the Dominion war and the abduction.

Lyrya, sole survivor of her family's abduction by Dominion agents that tried in vain to force them to use their telepathy to change the outcome of the war, was treated for deep psychotrauma for several years. During that time, she not only recovered but came in contact with a lot of alien species and developped an awareness and an interest for other ways of thinking and the prevalence of agression and violence outside her isolated community. Once released, she decided to become a psychologist and a psychiatrist herself and graduated with high honors from laibok University on Andoria, the first ever Aenar to do so, in any field in fact.

But she wanted more... and especially, she wanted to make a difference, to be herself one counter agent of the kind of mentality and action that led to tragedies like hers. And so, she decided, to the surprise and dismay of all, to join Starfleet's Medical Corps.

During those Academy years, she met, first as a patient, than as a colleague and roomate,  the Andorian giantess Tyvya and both became fast friends, getting from each other the strenght and support they both needed. They managed to get posted togetehr on the same assignments and eventually came to serve together on the USS Artemis under the command of Captain Kheren, with which they finally bonded to form the first and unique Andorian triad. They still serve together as of this date, Lyrya as Chief Counselor to Captain Kheren's new ship, her commanding officier and husband being now her current thesis study as to how an ostracized Andorian trained in Vulcan disciplines can tame and even use the raging beast that dwells within him and thus provide avenues to do the same for an entire society.

Medical History

She suffered a disruptor concussion and chemical torture during her abduction by the Dominion but was physically and mentally treated to full recovery by Starfleet medical upon being freed.


She is now bonded and get from that union further mental stability helping her in living and taming her feelings.

Service Record

- Starfleet Academy, San-Francisso: graduated with high honors in medical, specializing in exopsychology and reknowned for her studies about agressive behavior.

- USS Aurora, Lotus Fleet Academy ship: cadet cruise

- Betazed University: 8 years to graduate with high honors with a doctorate in exopsychology while serving on the Betazed Starbase facility where Starfleet officiers in need of counselling and psychotreatment are often sent

- Starfleet Penal Colony, Australia (Earth): two years of study of agressive behavior from Federation prisoners, mostly wayward Starfleet officers.

- Starbase 10, Hromi Sector; assigned  to serve in Lotus Fleet, Starfleet's elite division at the hot frontier near both Romulan and Klingon Empires and facing the Delta Quadrant as a Counselling Aid with the rank of Lt JG

- USS Artemis: assigned after a year as assistant chief counselor with the rank of Lieutenant. Commended five times by Starfleet command for excellence in service.

- USS Horizon: assigned as Chief Counsellor with the rank of Lieutenant

Academy Studies

Field of Study Medical
Specialty Exopsychology
Year of Graduation 2398
Moral Lesson Learned in the Academy

Fear is the source of all violence and the only thing to be afraid of. Once you conquer this fear, you know peace and even more, can share it. 

Additional Information

Atypical to all other of her kind, Lyrya is not all that adverse to violence. instead of fearing it thoroughly and trying to flee it by denial, she has understood that it is by understanding it that you can finally tame it and effectively rechanle it into positive energy.