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11/25/2022 @ 12:19pm

Captain Kheren

Name Kheren

Position Captain

Rank Captain

Character Information

Character Deceased No
Gender Unspecified
Species (Common) Andorian
Mixed (Secondary) Species Unspecified
Other Species Andorian (genetic mutant: gender fusion Chan-Thaan)
Date of Birth (Offical Stardate Calculator) 35405.6
Age 36 (54 terran years)
Place of Birth Andoria (Great Wash Temple)

Physical Appearance

Height 1.83m
Weight 150kg (looks 80kg)
Hair Color white
Eye Color silver
Skin Color dark blue
Physical Description

Tall, very muscular deep blue-skinned humanoid with a shoulder lenght long thick white mane and startling silver-colored eyes and a pair of antennae sprouting from the side top of his head (they have the unique and weird capability to retract like the eyestalks of Earth snails), Hands, feet, elbows and knees covered with calluses. Two cutting scars and a visible indentation on his forehead (large phaser burn accross his chest)


Spouse Tyvya (lt JG Sec/Tac USS Horizon & Lyrya (Lt JG Chief CNS USS Horizon


Father(s) Ch'El (deceased) and Th'Kal
Mother(s) Sh'Shel (deceased) and Zh'Leryll

Ch'Danil (34), Th'Mijeb(30), Ch'Dini(26) naturally born of genetic donators


Zh'Krisia (28), Sh'Zh'Lya (deceased, killed in the same exposition to outside cold sentence Kheren his twin survived. She was the female fusion created with him)

Other Family

To Kheren, who has turned his back on the birth world who rejected him since his birth, his crew is his new and only real family. In typical Andorian fashion, he will give his life without hesitation for every and last one of them and feels deeply any loss.

Family History

1st born of Andorian priests of the Infinite and headmembers of the Revisionist Party. He was not however naturally conceived and bears the genetic markings of an extinct clan, artificially reconstructed. Therefore, he is officially clanless and without a true family. His formal adoption request by the scientist-priests was rejected. Note: His genetic code is a perfect reconstruction of that of the extinct clan Reiji. As it was reknowned to be the clan most dedicated of all to the traditions of the Andorian people, it was revived in Kheren with two purposes: mollify the inevitable outrage of the traditionalists over Kheren's creation... and remind how old ways and fear of change can bring about annihilation of an entire people, while new ways can ensure survival.

Personality & Traits

General Overview

Kobayashi Maru test: Kheren did not take the test; knowing it to be but a simulation geared for inevitable defeat with the sole purpose of being a test of character, he was firmly convinced that it would be a worthless evaluation of his character as he could coldly and dispassionately choose self-destruct or fatal ramming or sacrificing lives, flee or ignore it all with no real consequences. "A game of chess is as much a test of character as this, he said then to his instructor; because both are just that: . Only reality will show someone's true nature." Fully ambidextrous like all Andorians, Kheren has the habit of carrying a pair of Type 2 phasers that got him the nickname Gunslinger and often greeted with a Hi Oh Silver!(also because of his eyes/hair color)during his Academy days. He also carries an antique pair of Ushaan Tor made out of bellium that only a phaser or disruptor at maximum setting could damage.

Strengths & Weaknesses

STARFLEET CHIEF GENERAL SURGEON OFFICE PSYCHOMETRIC DEPARTMENT FILE: A580529AOK SUBJECT:Kheren Kalel Th'Shelleryll CURRENT RANK: Captain CURRENT POSITION: Starship command CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: USS Artemis, deep space explorer of Lotus Fleet elite division of Starfleet.


PSYCHOMETRIC PROFILE : INTJ (note psionic split score: global/racial) Introverted 22% Intuitive 50% Thinking 12% Judging 78% Psionic level 2.5%/25%* * Limited to mating physiology see species medical file; Andorian section: mating EXTENDED PERSONALITY PROFILE : TYPE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE:RATIONAL MIND HISTORICAL REFERENCES TO PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPE: Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Bill Gates, Margaret Thatcher, Walt Disney, Thomas Jefferson, Ulysses S. Grant, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jean-Luc Picard, Jonathan Archer.


Subject Kheren shares the following core characteristics with all Rational types:

He tends to be pragmatic, skeptical, self-contained, and focused on problem-solving and systems analysis.

- He prides himself on being ingenious, independent, and strong willed.

- He is well suited to be a reasonable mate, individualizing parent, and strategic leader.

- He is even-tempered, trust logic, yearn for achievement, seek knowledge, prize technology, and dream of understanding how the world works.

- He shows a problem solving temperament, particularly if the problem has to do with the many complex systems that make up the world around us. Whatever systems fires his curiosity, he will analyze it to understand how it works, so that he can figure out how to make it work better.

- In working with problems, he will try to find solutions that have application in the real world, but he is even more interested in the abstract concepts involved, the fundamental principles or natural laws that underlie the particular case.

- He is completely pragmatic about his ways and means of achieving his ends. - He doesn't care about being politically correct.

- He is interested in the most efficient solutions possible, and will listen to anyone who has something useful to teach him, while disregarding any authority or customary procedure that wastes time and resources.

- He has an insatiable hunger to accomplish his goals and will work tirelessly on any project he has set his mind to. - He is rigorously logical and fiercely independent in his thinking

- indeed skeptical of all ideas, even his own -- and believe he can overcome any obstacle with will power.

- Often seen as cold and distant, even to those of his species already seen as deadpan and unemotional, but this is really the absorbed concentration he gives to whatever problem he's working on.

- He values intelligence, in himself and others.


Rationals like subject Kheren are very scarce, as little as 5% to 10% of the Human population. But because of their drive to unlock the secrets of nature, and to develop new technologies, they have done much to shape not only their world but the entire Federation. Among Andorians, they comprise the vast majority of the population, easily 75% of it: a direct result of their evolution in a most inhospitable world and dangerous society directly born out of their peculiar physiology. (see species profile: Andorians). Albert Einstein is the iconic Human example of a Rational.


RATIONAL TYPE:MASTERMIND HISTORICAL REFERENCES TO PERSONALITY TYPE: Augustus Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus),Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ulysses S. Grant, Frideriche Nietzsche, Peter the Great, Stephen Hawking, Sir Isaac Newton, Rho Laran, Jonathan Archer.


TYPICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE ASSESSEMENT: All Rationals are good at planning operations, but Masterminds like subject Kheren are head and shoulders above all the rest in contingency planning. Complex operations involve many steps or stages, one following another in a necessary progression, and subject Kheren is naturally able to grasp how each one leads to the next, and to prepare alternatives for difficulties that are likely to arise any step of the way. Trying to anticipate every contingency, subject Kheren never sets off on any current project without a Plan A firmly in mind, but he is always prepared to switch to Plan B or C or D if need be. Masterminds are rare among Humans, comprising no more than 1% of the population, and they are rarely encountered outside their office, factory, school, or laboratory. On Andoria however, the physiological responses to danger inherent to the species make their frequency much higher: at least 25% of the Andorian population shows this psychological profile. Thus, subject Kheren is not so atypical as he would seem at first glance. Although a highly capable leader, subject Kheren is not at all eager to take command, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. Once he takes charge, however, he is thoroughgoing pragmatist, typically Andorian in this attitude. Subject Kheren is certain that efficiency is indispensable in a well-run organization, and if he encounters inefficiency-any waste of human and material resources-he is quick to realign operations and reassign personnel. Subject Kheren does not feel bound by established rules and procedures, and traditional autority does not impress him, nor do slogans or catchwords. Only ideas that make sense to him are adopted; those that don't, aren't, no matter who thought of them. His aim is always maximum efficiency. It is projected that, depending on who is his commanding officer, he will find his current position harder to live up to than his previous or future one, as he is very near command but still under direct autority. Subject Kheren is well suited to rise to positions of responsibility. He work long and hard and is dedicated in pursuit of goals, sparing neither his own time and effort nor that of colleagues and employees. Problem-solving is highly stimulating to him. He loves responding to tangled systems that require careful sorting out. Ordinarily, he verbalizes the positive and avoid comments of a negative nature; he is more interested in moving an organization forward than dwelling on mistakes of the past. Subject Kheren, as Mastermind type, tends to be much more definite and self-confident than other Rational types, having usually developed a very strong will. Decisions come easily to him; in fact, he can hardly rest until things are settled and decided. But before he decides anything, he must do the research. Subject Kheren is highly theoretical, but he insists on looking at all available data before embracing an idea. He is suspicious of any statement that is based on shoddy research, or that is not checked against reality. Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging specific study.


Initial profile material : Dr Marina Margaret Heiss Revision: 3.1 Gregorian date: 17-10-2009 Earth, United States of America Current profile for current subject: Dr Alan Sheppard, CMO USS Lotus Revision 5.2 stardate 86601.2


To outsiders, subject Kheren may appear to project an aura of "definiteness", of self-confidence. This self-confidence, sometimes mistaken for simple arrogance by the less decisive, is actually of a very specific rather than a general nature; its source lies in the specialized knowledge systems that he started building at an early age. When it comes to his own areas of expertise -- and the subject has several -- he will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not he can help you, and if so, how. He knows what he knows, and perhaps still more importantly, he knows what he doesn't know. Subject Kheren is a perfectionist, with a seemingly endless capacity for improving upon anything that takes his interest, as exemplified by his security protocols he implemented from the first day he became chief of tactical and security on board the USS Lotus. What prevents him from becoming chronically bogged down in this pursuit of perfection is his personal and inherent Andorian pragmatism, wich is also so characteristic of his psychological type: he applies (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything from his own research efforts to the prevailing social norms. This in turn produces an unusual independence of mind, freeing the subject from the constraints of authority, convention, or sentiment for its own sake. This is obviously a natural trait from his species, but is unusually reinforced in him by his very personality and life experiences. Subject Kheren is definitely a INTJ, a "Systems Builder,'' perhaps in part because he possesses the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability. Whatever system he happens to be working on is for him the equivalent of a moral cause to an INFJ; both perfectionism and disregard for authority may come into play, as INTJs can be unsparing of both themselves and the others on the project. Subject Kheren definitely correspond to this mental pattern: Anyone considered to be "slacking," including superiors, will lose his respect -- and will generally be made aware of this; he has been known to take it upon himself to implement critical decisions without consulting his commanding officer or fellow officers (ref; Savoy Incident and Borg Invasion Incident). On the other hand, he does tend to be scrupulous and even-handed about recognizing the individual contributions that have gone into a project, and has a gift for seizing opportunities which others might not even notice.(ref; starship combat simulation commanded by Acting Captain Felez on board the Lotus and his bewildering number of unorthodox maneuvers and plans during the Borg Invasion Incident). In the broadest terms, what INTJs "do" tends to be what they "know". Typical INTJ career choices are in the sciences and engineering, but they can be found wherever a combination of intellect and incisiveness are required. They can rise to command positions when they are willing to invest time in marketing their abilities as well as enhancing them, and (whether for the sake of ambition or the desire for privacy) many also find it useful to learn to simulate some degree of surface conformism in order to mask their inherent unconventionality. Subject Kheren definitely follows this later pattern. Personal relationships, particularly romantic ones, is his Achilles heel. While he is capable of caring deeply for others (usually a select few), and is willing to spend a great deal of time and effort on a relationship, the knowledge and self-confidence that makes him so successful in other areas can suddenly abandon or mislead him in interpersonal situations. This happens in part because he does not readily grasp the social rituals; for instance, he tends to have little patience and less understanding of such things as small talk and flirtation (which most consider half the fun of a relationship). To complicate matters, he is typically an extremely private person, and can often be naturally impassive as well, which makes him easy to misread and misunderstand. Perhaps his most fundamental problem, however, is that he really wants people to make sense. This sometimes results in a peculiar naivete', paralleling that of many more Feeling-type personalities - only instead of expecting inexhaustible affection and empathy from a romantic relationship, he will expect inexhaustible reasonability and directness. Subject Kheren is deeply aware of this, and knows this has been pushed in himself beyond his natural species tendencies by his peculiar upbriging and life on his homeworld (see Starfleet file). Probably the strongest of his assets in the interpersonal area would have been his intuitive abilities and willingness to "work at" a relationship. Although as a thinking-type he does not always have the kind of natural empathy that many Feeling-types do, his Intuition can often act as a good substitute by synthesizing the probable meanings behind such things as tone of voice, turn of phrase, and facial expression. This ability can then be honed and directed by consistent, repeated efforts to understand and support those he would care about. Those relationships which ultimately do become established with an INTJ like him tend to be characterized by their robustness, stability, and good communications. However, subject Kheren is purposely blocking this natural aptitude because of the knowledge of his deep, savage nature he crushes as much as possible under his apparent adherence to rules and regulations.


FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS basic Data by Joe Butt, psychology researcher, Earth United States of America, Gregorian date 09-08-2010 Current assessement: Dr Elliago Nasaro-Myth, CMO USS Artemis, stardate 86612.4


Lieutenant Commander Kheren is part of what are known as the idea people. Anything is possible; everything is negociable. Whatever the outer circumstances, he is ever perceiving inner pattern-forms and using real-world materials to operationalize them. Others may see what is and wonder why; he sees what might be and say "Why not?!" Paradoxes, antinomies, and other contradictory phenomena aptly express his amusement at those whom he feels may be taking a particular view of reality too seriously. The Lieutenant Commander enjoys developing unique solutions to complex problems. To him, thinking in this auxiliary role is a workhorse. Closure is the payoff for efforts expended. Evaluation begs diagnosis; product drives process. As they come to light, Thinking tends, protects, affirms and directs iNtuition's offspring, fully equipping them for fulfilling and useful lives. A faithful pedagogue, Thinking argues not so much on its own behalf, but in defense of its charges. And through this process these impressionable ideas take on the likeness of their master. Feeling has a modest inner room in his mind, two doors down from the Most Eminent iNtuition. It doesn't get out much, but lends its influence on behalf of causes which are Good and Worthy and Humane. We may catch a glimpse of it in the unspoken attitude of good will, or the gracious smile (he dilligently practices to overcome the rigidity of his rare facial muscles) or nod (since antennea communication is lost on all except a few). Some question the existence of Feeling in him, yet its unseen balance to Thinking is a cardinal dimension in the full measure of his soul. Sensing serves the Lieutenant Commander with a good will, or not at all. As other inferior functions, it has only a rudimentary awareness of context, amount or degree. Thus, he sweat the details or, at times, omit them. "I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with the facts" could well have been said by him on a mission. Sensing's extraverted attitude is evident in his bent to savor sensations rather than to merely categorize them. In his view, indiscretions of indulgences are likely an expression of the unconscious vengeance of the inferior.


RACIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL ADDENDUM specific annotations for this file by: Dr Elliago Nasaro-Myth, CMO USS Artemis stardate 86612.43


Andorians regard themselves as a passionate, aggressive, even violent race. However, their character is much more complex. At first glance, they appear intelligent, even intellectual humanoids, deadpan and emotionless, very calm, rational and logical like the Vulcans. But in truth, their emotions can emerge with intense psychological and physical reactions. Lieutenant Commander Kheren is the epithome of this racial dychotomy: his exceptional self-control even for his own kind, built after decades of intensive training under his strong will, is refraining a savage killer instinct that would have been deemed beyond psychopathic, downright animalistic by Human standards. The abnormally high concentation and level of testosterone in his physiology is only counterbalanced by his unusually high paracortex developpement that is normally associated with high psionic aptitude. His utter lack of them might reasonably be because of this crushing control even his uncounscious exerts on his instincts. Andorian history is one of conflict, though they do not battle without reason. The martial spirit is still very much alive in Andorian culture. Andorians are extremely disciplined, possessing a strong sense of duty and personal honor, and so they make excellent military officers. Again, Lieutenant Commander Kheren is the typical example of this in every way, above and beyond his own people.(ref: service record). Though they are stoic and largely unsentimental, Andorians do respect, even revere, family ties. Being born and raised on Andoria, Lieutenant Commander Kheren follows this attitude, even if he himself has no real parents, no real family, has lost all mates before formal bonding and has been largely ostracized by his own society, all due to the peculiar circumstances of his birth (see medical record). Andorians have little nudity taboos. Non-Andorian visitors will see much blue skin. Lieutenant Commander Kheren however is not prone to exhibitionism and is aware of the discomfort of most other species in this regard and takes proper precautions to respect those taboos, especially now in Starfleet. Although not known for their charity and have few sympathies, they place their highest value on family. Lieutenant Commander Kheren has transposed this attitude to the ship he serves on, making him fiercely loyal and protective of every single crewmember on board, even regarding other Starfleet officers. For example, his apparent banter with the First officer of the USS Spectre about his ship is in fact deadly serious to him. He will not leave unchallenged any derogatory comment about the Artemis, her Captain or her crew. Andorians are fond of technology, but insist on its use with respect for nature. For this reason, even their early wars of conquest were fought with a regard for planetary environment, and so the Andorians avoided much of the ecological devastation suffered by Terrans and many other cultures. Weapons of mass destruction were unknown and the very idea is still considered most barbaric. Despite his obviously violent nature, heritage, training and experiences, Lieutenant Commander Kheren always look at violence as the last, and regrettable resort to any situation, and will do his upmost, even in personal duels, to follow Starfleet's Rules of Engagement to the hilt. It stems obviously from his fear of his own basic killer instinct. Andorians are hard-working and serious, often incorrectly viewed as humorless and irritable. Andorians have a complex set of propositional "grammars'' to express humor; thus they do not tend to find human humor amusing, nor do non-Andorians tend to "get'' theirs. Because of his avowed admiration for Humans, Lieutenant Commander Kheren is working hard to understand and use Human humor as a tool for socializing and for motivation to his subordinates. He practices often with Tellarite crewmembers as he can grasp more easily their agressiveness in their responses to this. The harsh history of early Andorian civilization left a strong taboo against frivolity or wasted effort and so they feel uncomfortable when invited to purely recreational activities. Their curt refusals often make them seem prudish or unsociable, while in fact they simply have a strong cultural pragmatism. Andorians are also reluctant to enter strong personal relationships outside their bondmates, another left over trait from their troubled past. This lack of a social skill reinforces the sense of isolation and distance that others perceive between them and other races. Lieutenant Commander Kheren is even considered like this among his own people, as he carries this trait to an extreme: a result of his perpetual self-control and personality type.




The Andorian antennae are unique organs literally functioning as a living multisensor array. They also convey much more emotions than their few, rigid facial muscles: curving forward: polite attention or interest rigid and quivering: excitement or fear drooping: weariness or wringing and lashing: confused or upset slow writhing; sexual arousal wobbling wildly: intoxication or disorientation flattened: rage facing each other: shrug (slightly) or amusement (almost touching) Lieutenant Commander Kheren is working daily to copy Humans in expressing sentiments through his facial muscles, despite his physiological limitations. However, these are counsciously controled reactions; his true feelings are still conveyed by his antennea and attention must be paid to them to understand what he thinks in relation to what he says. Andorians ''kiss'' by touching antennae; when mating, a telepathic link is achieved and a deep bonding ensues, deeper than that of Vulcan mates. Not only can they sense each other over immeasurable distances afterwards, but the death of one causes such a shock that most Andorians do not survive the death of a spouse. Lieutenant Commander Kheren survived the physiological shock only because actual bonding never took place; all his mates died before he ever met them. However, the psychological effect of such a brutal separation have yet to be fully analysed and understood. Because of their importance, Andorian psychology is deeply related to it. Offering antenna jewelry is a gift of deep friendship, if not courtship. The Andorian version of the wedding ring is worn on the left antenna rather than on a finger. Lieutenant Commander Kheren wore his late mates rings only once in his life (ref the Festival of Holy Rings of Betazed on Starbase 10) and this only to honor others. Psychologically, he only looks backward to find a proper step to jump forward. On the other hand, fear of damaging one is deeper than fear of castration to human males; loosing one equates blindness, deafness, muteness, castration and disfigurement all at once and many do not choose to live with it, even knowing it will regenerate within 9 months (half that time with proper treatment of cranial massages and electro stimulation). Meanwhile the wounded Andorian will be handicaped (no color vision, reduced depth perception, deafness,loss of taste and smell and 48 hours loss of balance). Any hit will cause intense pain to an Andorian. Touching one uninvited is inexcusable rudeness, and threat or attack against it is legal ground for assault and murder...


Lieutenant Commander Kheren's antennea have the unique capability to retract within his skull, much like the eyestalks of Earth snails. The psychological effect of this mutation, on him and other Andorians, has yet to be fully analysed and understood. They most obviously mark him in the eyes of his people. Their relative rigidness make Andorians almost deaf and unable to catch an odor from behind. From there stems their deep aversion to duplicity and treachery; attacking from behind is the foulest form of dishonor and cowardice to them. Thus, they do not respect much cloaking-using cultures like Klingons and Romulans. Despite the relatively higher mobility of his own cranial appendages, Lieutenant Commander Kheren deeply shares this attitude with his brethen. Honor is very important to him, not as a matter of pride but as a matter of measure of someone's worth.


((OOC: Thanks to Braedon Jori for providing the references to make this detailed profile possible. This is an excellent RP tool to define realistically a RP character's psychology is strongly recommended (like a RP minigame itself! Answer as your character would!) and can be found here:


He has fulfilled his ambitions: to become a Starfleet officer, a starship captain and create for himself a new family with his crew. he now looks towards the horizon for the next wonder and challenge the universe will offer him.

Hobbies & Interests

Even more than is the norm for an Andorian, Kheren wastes no time in iddle recreation. He is always training or learning when not on the job. His only activity that could be labelled as a pastime is when he indulges himself in artistic creativity, writing fiction (of the saga, epic genre and Terran-Japanese Haiku), painting (impressionist style), music (Andorian Blues, Human Street jazz and Klingon Opera). Even then, he considers those activities essential training to compensate for his other more martial activities. He also plays 3-D chess, poker, strategema, Go and Klin Zha, but always as mental training rather than recreation.

Basic History

Personal History

Personal History: Like all Andorians, he has University level education, his being in Cosmology, Master degree(Laibok Capital University). - He is also well versed in Philosophy and History from spending his entire childhood in a Umanirist Monastery, and in Comparative Anatomy and Physiology learned as part of his exhaustive martial arts training and experience. - Grandmaster and teacher of Andorian martial arts, won 27 duels (4 to the death in the Ushaan Tor). - 20 Terran years of service in the Andorian Imperial Guard. - After he losts all promised mates before bonding, and because of his peculiar nature and social condition, left his homeworld and joined Starfleet. - Graduated with Highest Honors from Starfleet Academy, top of his class most notably in Cosmology, Xenology, History, piloting/navigation and all combat related courses. - Won 3 years in a row the Open martial arts Grand Championship of the Federation, representing the Academy in both free-style unarmed and traditional weapons open divisions. - Declined teaching advanced martial arts to section 31 elite forces on moral and ethical grounds.(complete related file classified) - Currently serving as a Starfleet Officer of the line in the Elite Lotus Fleet division in a Command Role. 

Medical History

Medical History: He is the only known attempt by the Andorian Progressist Party to genetically modify the race into a 2-gender one. He is both Thaan and Chan (fully male) and the mutation caused his skin to darken, concentrated testosterone levels giving him abnormal strength, muscularity and agressivity, and his antennaes to become retractable like Andorian genitals. Rejected by his clan for his ''blasphemous imperfections'' to die in the outside cold, he survived long enough to be rescued by his genitor priests of the Infinite Church as a reincarnation of Thirishar the First Hero. Bonded in a more powerful telepathic link than Andorian norm being married to an Andorian Thalassan shen (Tyvya) and an Aenar Zhen (Lyrya). He is still fertile way past normal Andorian period. Higher level of tolerance to cold than even the Andorian norm, but adversely more sensitive to heat than others of his species. Survived phase infection, after being shot from accidental friendly fire, during an alien takeover attempt on the USS Savoy while leading an away mission. it left a large burnt scar across his chest he refuses to have erased, just like the 2 cuts and the indentation marking his forehead from his previous death duels.

Service Record

Previous Assignments:


-Andorian Imperial Guard AIG Kumari : rose to the rank of captain of the Kumari, the Flagship of the Andorian defense force.


-Lotus Fleet USS Aurora as Cadet of Starfleet Academy: graduated with honors in tactical/security division with specialty in close-quarter combat, top of his class in 15 out of 26 courses, making him class of 08 Valedictorian.


-Lotus Fleet Starbase 10 : security crewman during the Romulan incursion, helped find and destroy cloaked enemy ship. Immediately promoted to Ensign and department head on board the flagship for his actions.


-Lotus Fleet USS Lotus : assigned as chief of security/tactical officer upon gaining the rank of Ensign and serving in this capacity up to the rank of Lieutenant, earning the Star Cross for his performance. During the final Borg Invasion, he assumed command when acting Captain Robertson was injured and was again decorated for meritorious actions, this time with the Command Decoration of Starfleet.


-Lotus Fleet Academy Command School: class of 09 graduate majoring in leadership developpement with perfect scores in basic command courses and second highest overall score ever recorded.


- Lotus Fleet USS Artemis (NCC-64121): Initially assigned as First Officer with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Promoted in the field to captaincy after accidental death of commanding officer. His subsequent discovery of the Azimuth Horizon anomaly during a rescue mission also earned him the Science Decoration from Starfleet. Once officially assigned as commanding officer with the rank of captain, he was ordered to further investigate the anomaly, then rerouted to check a possible Klingon incursion. Discovery of a cloaked, inhabited Dyson shell (X'ell First Contact), saving them and the UFP from both Anomaly and Klingon threats while respecting their laws and those of Starfleet and the UFP, earned him the Lotus Fleet Medal of Diplomacy. After minor repairs, resupply and refit, sent out on a secret assignment for Starfleet Intelligence (The Achilles Incident: details classified) where the Horizon Children cult is revealed. There is a file in the Office of Temporal Investigations related to a highly classified "Eagle Incident" which seemingly happened during his ship's 4th mission and for which he and several officers under his command were awarded the Temporal Ribbon of Excellence for exemplary conduct while preserving the timeline. Rumors are that the Q entity was involved. Sent out once again to complete studies of the Azimuth Horizon prior to the fleet action aimed at stopping the catastrophy. Some details of this operation are being classified under the code name Operation Sysiphus by Temporal Investigations. Awarded the Medal of Commendation following this Operation. Decorated with the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor and the Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry during Operation Horizon for major contribution at high personal risk, including stopping a hostile force advance and despite loosing his vessel but without a single loss of life.


- Starfleet Headquarters (San Francisco, Earth): successfully faced Board of Inquiry regarding loss of USS Artemis and not only absolved of any command fault but commended for his actions as a commanding officer.


- Lotus Fleet USS Horizon (NCC-102176): Assigned to the official launch of the new Lotus Fleet flagship as Commanding officer with the rank of Captain


Current Assignment - Lotus Fleet, temporal & transdimensional explorer USS MILLENNIUM (NCC-8008) as commanding officer with the rank of captain.



OFFICE OF TEMPORAL INVESTIGATIONS FILE: A580529AOK SUBJECT:Kheren Kalel Th'Shelleryll CURRENT RANK: Captain CURRENT POSITION: Starship command CURRENT ASSIGNMENT: NCC-64121 USS Artemis, refit, deep space explorer CURRENT COMMAND: Lotus Fleet elite division of Starfleet RECORDED TEMPORAL INCURSIONS


1- THE EAGLE INCIDENT : REPORT: Fool's Errand: A 45th Anniversary RP - Lotus Fleet Forums


REPORT CONCLUSION: The above identified Starfleet officer was placed into a time displacement condition outside of his own initiative, control or consent by a cosmic entity identified as Q (see corresponding file). Faced with a temporal situation created by a third party working at altering the timeline, placed in a command position regarding this situation (USS Eagle NCC-1719), he took the proper steps without guidance to reestablish the timeline and ensure that it would not be altered any further. The above identified officer, along with those officers under his command during this incident, shall be absolved of any blame regarding this temporal incursion. Moreover, along with the officers under his command at the time of the incident, he should be commended for his actions regarding this event and those used as precedence to formulate the Temporal Prime Directive.


Agent Dulmer OTI



2- OPERATION SYSIPHUS : REPORT: Season 1 - Episode 4: Romulan Paradox - Lotus Fleet Forums


REPORT CONCLUSION: While in command of the Federation Starship USS Artemis, registry NCC-64121 (see corresponding file) the above named officer was thrown into a time displacement situation not of his own initiative that forced him to take steps to correct a time incursion from the Romulan Star Empire (see corresponding file). Faced with a temporal situation created by a third party working at altering the timeline while in a command position, he took the proper steps according to the Temporal Prime Directive to reestablish the timeline and ensure that it would not be altered any further. Furthermore, he managed to bring back his ship and crew to their proper timeframe without altering the restored timeline while at the same time solving any risk of paradox or of further attempt by the guilty party. all this with great personal sacrifice from his crew and himself. It should be noted that the above named officer established all the details of operation Sysiphus and led his helpful officers in its implementation from beginning to the end (if there are such things). The above identified officer, along with those officers under his command during this incident, shall be commended for their actions regarding this temporal incursion. Moreover, along with the officers under his command at the time of the incident, he should be referred to as an exemplary officer in regard to the application of the Temporal Prime Directive. Consequently to this incident, the following officers will be transfered to the Office of Temporal Investigations to provide expertise in their specific areas regarding temporal incursions: - Lieutenant Jackson, Bradley, currently Chief of Security & Tactical, USS Artemis. Assignement: studies on practical methods of securing the timeline. - Doctor Aquila, Caius Castiel, currently Chief Medical Officer, USS Artemis. Assignement: studies on applications of long-term stasis technology.


Agent Luksly OTI

-3 THE KELVIN DISRUPTION (50th anniversary special) First attempt to launch the USS Millennium failed due to lack of effective temporal computation. Now resolved with the THETIS artificial intelligence. As the most experienced and proven reliable Starfleet officers regarding the Temporal Prime Directive, Captain Kheren and his selected crew assigned for next trial runs under the supervision of temporal specialist Nathan Cross. Agent Dulmer

Academy Studies

Field of Study TacticalSecurity
Specialty Close Quarter combat
Year of Graduation 2409 with Highest honors, Valedisctorian of his promotion, top of his class in 15 out of 23 classes, notably cosmology, navigation/piloting and strategy/tactics
Moral Lesson Learned in the Academy

You make what you stand for worthless if you disregard it when it is truly put to the test.

Additional Information



( * = episodic operation story **=story counts as 2 episodes - )


Starbase 10 : Captive Starbase* - USS Lotus : Changing of the Guard Part 2* - USS Lotus : Against the Grain * - USS Lotus : Knight Sacrifice * - Fleet Action : Borg Invasion** - Starbase 10 : Aftermath - Starbase 10 : Kyran's Poker Face (unfinished) - Starbase 10 : The Festival of Holy Rings - Starbase 10 : Award Ceremony - USS Artemis : Before the Storm* - Starbase 10 : Eye of the Storm* - Starbase 10 : Sisko Memorial Ceremony - USS Artemis : Port in the Storm* - USS Artemis : I Alone Survived * - Starbase 10 : Fool's Errand (45th Star Trek Anniversary RP)* - USS Artemis : Romulan Paradox * - Fleet Action : Crusade **  - USS Horizon: The Forgotten*  - USS Horizon: Hawks And Doves* - Fleet Action : Brave New World ** - USS Millennium: When No One Has Gone Before 


OTHER THREADS FEATURING KHEREN - STO Captain's log:The Andorian Chronicles (ongoing) Lotus Fleet Forums - Holo-Novel Emporium: Fire and Ice Contest entry:- Fire and Ice - Lotus Fleet Forums THE STARFLEET CHRONICLES; Episode 01: '' 8472 '' (invitation only) - Star Trek Online Forums THE STARFLEET CHRONICLES episode 02: THE IMMUNITY FACTOR (invitation only) - Star Trek Online Forums (unfinished) what do you call it ? story rp anyone can join in klingon'flerangi are welcome. - Star Trek Online Forums Birthright (open RP for charactior driven players) - Star Trek Online Forums The Draxx - Star Trek Online Forums


NOTE; OTHER STORIES FOR THE SAME PLAYER WITH OTHER CHARACTERS: - USS Phoenix: From The Ashes (as Dr Elliago Nasaro-Myth)* -  USS Phoenix: Brave New World (as Lt JG Jonathan Livingstone) **