Thank you for your inquiry Grayfox. Here's a quick summary:
1. Yes we have a KDF fleet, but it is not as active or complete... though we'd like to rectify this
2. Federation side
(as of today)-Fleet Level: 42
-Starbase: Tier 4 (working on V)
-Dilithium Mine: Tier 3
-Research Lab: Tier 0
(although there are Research and Developments projects in progress)-Spire: Tier 3
3. It looks like we have 50 registered in STO and almost 150 on our website, but many of these may no longer be active.... some due to technical reasons... others may have drifted elsewhere.
Regularly Active in STO at the moment.... a handful or two.... but we can at times muster up more when we announce events ahead of time.
4. Activity in STO hasn't been as steady as it was years ago, but that may be true of many fleets today. We are also exploring the possibilities of Armada/Alliances with other fleets as well. Do you have a link to your Fleet's website? You can learn a lot about our fleet and STO activity/involvement/plans, etc... from our STO thread and STO updates in our fleet Newsletters If you look on our sites sidebar (left) you can see the Teamspeak 3 information. So yes, we use TS3 for meetings and in-game playing.
As far as a community, we are a very strong and skillful community. This has been an active fleet that has endured a variety of obstacles and setbacks over these past 7 years, yet we are still here.
Admiral Jeff T
Fleet Commanding Officer