The good news is; half of the disaster team (Kurtzman) will not be in for this third one
The bad news is: half of the disaster team (Orci) is still on board.
The good news is: new writers might improve on the awful non-trek scripting of this third installment as we saw on the second one (less moronic than the first by avoiding all science in the alleged science-fiction film)
The bas news is: the new writers are from under the wing of the disaster team which might mean same childish and incompetent trek writing.
The good news is: Abrams might hopefully be to busy (and interested ) in Star Wars to take on the next STINO (Star Trek In name Only) and thus maybe, just maybe, provide us with a first real Trek movie since Nemesis.
The bad news is: Abrams is still producing and thus might again turn this into a meaningless flashy space shooter with no morality play and no richness of character but lots of bad photography (yes the infamous lense flares) and rip-off material (those he calls "hommages")
The good news is: Abrams having at last his hands on his true love (Star Wars) he might eventually abandon Star Trek altogether after his last third film contract. Then we may get the chance of getting a new writer-director-producer team of true Trek fans.
The bad news is: Hollywood caring only about money, Paramount might offer him a king's ransom to keep him on board, thinking he is the golden goose and not seeing that any moron making a legit film with the name Star Trek on it will always bring in hundreds of millions anyway (case in point: ST 2009 and ST 2012)
IMHO of course