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Fun times!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 7:26 am
by Storm Windfall
The Newsletter is out and thanks to everyone that helped me by answering questions, filling in questionnaires and overall helping compiling it. ,

Being an editor sounds quite impressive, but I can tell you, it's not so easy compiling a newsletter. When you sit in front of your computer and a blank template laughs in your face and you have no idea how to fill in those blanks, you start to think what is a newsletter all about?

First of all, it's a group effort. I can't do it all by myself. I need others to contribute towards it so I can fill in those blanks. I never tried to do it all by myself for one obvious reason: I am not the only member of this Fleet! The members of this community have to work together to fill in those blanks, to show the rest of the Fleet how you all think, feel and participate in making this the greatest Fleet ever! Not that we are already. We may be small, but the old adage still works great! You know...good things come in small packages.

I am rambling again.

Suffice it to say, I need you all to send me things. That means, anything! Who knows, your stuff maybe used to fill in some of those blank spaces in the next newsletter. Artwork, whether your own or from the internet will always be appreciated, as will your writing efforts, no matter what it may be. Yeah, we would like to hear what mischief you were up to in Vegas, or what gremlins creeped in to make your holiday/day off/wedding day/date/etc. utter hell! Stuffs that made you mad then but now you have to laugh about it.

Seen a great movie? Why did you like it? What was it about? Did any moment in the movie touched you in a good/bad way? Tell us about it!

What book did you read lately? Same questions apply.

Frustrated writer? Start a serial story in the newsletter!

See my point?

The Newsletter is for the Fleet, by the Fleet. We work together, play together support each other in any way we can. But how will we know what to do when we don't know about it?

So....Send me that stuff!

Let's make Issue #3 the greatest issue ever since...white bread? :D

OH! Before I forget... If you read the latest issue, did you notice the back page? That was a competition, Fleet mates! Who is that actor, what movie does that photo comes from and did we see that actor in any of the Star Trek movies and/or series? Answers to be published in Issue #3! Have fun with it!

This month's deadline for submission is 25 October, so get your creative juices running!